Liberals are BRAINWASHING Somalis to fight climate change

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Somalia is one country that would most be affected by climate change. Our country is on the coastline and is at sea level, so any rising of the oceans would virtually wipe out our coastline.

Not to mention the droughts that will occur...

AbdiJohnson, quit bootyclapping on behalf of ExxonMobil and acknowledge reality saaxib.
@AbdiJohnson just because Donald trump believes climate change is a Chinese hoax doesn't mean you should.

Somalia has sunshine all year round, strong wind and possibly a fuckload of uranium. We could benefit heavily from western climate change agreements but unfortunately, the new Secretary of State will be the CEO of Exxon.


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
Climate change will be great for Somalia, one of the few countries projected to benefit from it. I hope climate change gets much much worse :nvjpqts:


Somalia is one country that would most be affected by climate change. Our country is on the coastline and is at sea level, so any rising of the oceans would virtually wipe out our coastline.

Puntland will benefit from climate change.

The region has high altitude. So it won't lose any land whatsoever.
AND it is predicted that rainfall patterns will increase in this region.

Nin xun

ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Climate change will be great for Somalia, one of the few countries projected to benefit from it. I hope climate change gets much much worse :nvjpqts:
That's in a way even worse considering the present state of the country, if somalis don't fix up we'll end up being big losers in coming climate wars where people will be fighting over vital resources like arable land and water.
Climate change will be great for Somalia, one of the few countries projected to benefit from it. I hope climate change gets much much worse :nvjpqts:
What's the use of all that rain if there aren't any forests. It's just going to wash off the surface and bac to the atmosphere or the sea


What's the use of all that rain if there aren't any forests. It's just going to wash off the surface and bac to the atmosphere or the sea

Most will not flush away but will go into groundwater aquifers. It can be tapped with wells.
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