Where do you find all of these?Poster no1. Dhismaha X.H.K.S. Waxuu Dayactiray Tusaalooyinkii iyo GuulahiiUu Soo Hooyay Kacaanka, 21 Oktoobar.
Poster no2.
Ha Noolaato Sannadguurada 11ee kacaanka 21ka Oktoobar1969‑1980.
[Mogadisho?: s.n.] ; Nuur & Nasiib, 1980.
Poster no3. Ha Noolaato Sannad Guurada ee Qarannimada Shacbiga Soomaaliyeed. = Long live the anniversary of the nationhood of the Somali people.
[Mogadisho?]: Gaxtaan & Goobe, 1980.
Poster no4.
Ha Noolaato Sannadguurada Ee Qarannimada Shagbiga Soomaaliyeed.
Mogadishu: n.p., n.d.
Poster no5.
Cali bin Abu Taalib iyo Xasan iyo Xuseen = Khalif Ali and his twin sons Hasan and Huseyn.
Poster no6. 8da Maarso 1981: World Day for Women.
[Mogadisho?: s.n.], 1981.
Poster no7.
Somali in word and image.
Bloomington: William Hammond Mathers Museum, Indiana University, 1983. > Mogadishu old window
Poster no8. Si xun u dherge iyo seefta kacaanka isa seegi maysaan =The sword of the Revolution will not miss you, O you who got rich by crooked means. "Bringing the revolution back to course."
Poster no9. X‑U‑S‑S wuxuu hambalyeenayaa sannadkacaruurta. = Congratulations from XUSS on the occasion of the Year of the Children.
Poster n10. Ha Guuleesto Sannad Caruureedka. = May the year of the children triumph.
[Mogadisho: s.n.],1979. (Artist: Jeylani)
DO NOT POST YET!!! I have more than 100 images to post!!!!