BBC News - Met Police must apologise for 'knee-on-neck' arrest says lawyer
It looks like the UK Media has these sort of moments under control unlike the US where everything is blown out of proportion.
Many commenters are dismissive of the detainee for carrying a weapon but his Lawyers state it was a legal blade to repair a bike. What blade is this
The lack of build up in the footage already gives me doubt about how he ended up on the floor. Was he waving it? Was he reported to carry it?
The court proceedings are going to get dragged out and swept under the carpet, Met Police will just issue a general apology and not progress it further. I just hope there's no payoff to the defendant unless he was injured severely, it's a dangerous precedent to give out damage fees for stunts like this.
It looks like the UK Media has these sort of moments under control unlike the US where everything is blown out of proportion.
Many commenters are dismissive of the detainee for carrying a weapon but his Lawyers state it was a legal blade to repair a bike. What blade is this
The lack of build up in the footage already gives me doubt about how he ended up on the floor. Was he waving it? Was he reported to carry it?
The court proceedings are going to get dragged out and swept under the carpet, Met Police will just issue a general apology and not progress it further. I just hope there's no payoff to the defendant unless he was injured severely, it's a dangerous precedent to give out damage fees for stunts like this.