Look at this idiot...

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I don't think he is an idiot, he's just choosing the pacifistic route even though Somalia really has nothing to lose at the moment. Obviously I don't want these people to come to Somalia but I assume they would enter Sudan instead.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Wecalka wecalka dhalay magaciisa meel inoogu qora, maxaa dhabodhilif la karbaashidoona


Kuwi amxaarada uu naageyn jiray maanta maxeey naxsanyihiin


Waxaaba ka soo haray :damn::jcoleno::kendrickcry::meleshame:



I got boomer connections
I don't think he is an idiot, he's just choosing the pacifistic route even though Somalia really has nothing to lose at the moment. Obviously I don't want these people to come to Somalia but I assume they would enter Sudan instead.

Like you said Somalia has nothing to lose, what is making this idiot sympathetic?
We should do like the gulf countries and never accept any Ethiopian refugees for our security & demographic of Somalia. Saudi never accept any refugees. Ethiopians have others choices like Kenya, Sudan and Eritrea.
He just said what you're saying which is thatthey'll flood us with refugees. He also said they need to give citizens their rights and freedoms.
BTW Ethiopian government is trying to blackmail the west by surrendering the towns to al shabab( fall of El-Ali town by al shabab) . They are using us.
BTW Ethiopian government is trying to blackmail the west by surrendering the towns to al shabab( fall of El-Ali town by al shabab) . They are using us.

They're not falling for it though. They've been exiting for weeks and even though Al Dickheads have 'retaken' these towns, no one is making a fuss. In fact Germany, the US and others are more focused on the situation in Ethiopia.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
This is the chance to finally get rid of foreign interference and Al-Shabaab in one stroke, the International Community must make a concerted effort to revamp the SNA.

The success of Somali troops against Al-Shabaab (Puntland repulsing AS/Somali Special Forces raids etc.) and the total ineffectiveness of AMISOM beyond holding a few token cities for years now has proven only a Somali solution will solve the crisis.

This just might be the start of our rebirth

This is the chance to finally get rid of foreign interference and Al-Shabaab in one stroke, the International Community must make a concerted effort to revamp the SNA.

The success of Somali troops against Al-Shabaab (Puntland repulsing AS/Somali Special Forces raids etc.) and the total ineffectiveness of AMISOM beyond holding a few token cities for years now has proven only a Somali solution will solve the crisis.

This just might be the start of our rebirth


HSM rejected joining puntland & jubbaland defence forces to national army and changed the last prime minister( Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed) when he suggested that.
HSM rejected joining puntland & jubbaland defence forces to national army and changed the last prime minister( Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed) when he suggested that.

How do you know? I thought Abdiweli was violent and thats why he was fired.
How do you know? I thought Abdiweli was violent and thats why he was fired.
Nope he was not violent but very calm nice man, the argument came after his visit to puntland and suggests about joining the army. HSM said himself that he visited the enemies!!!! Excatly used that expression. Plz go to YouTube and listen to his speech (HSM)
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