Maamulka Ridada Somaliland thinks their passport is real kkk

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Mickeymouse passport will never be accepted in Somalia.

I urge to execute any Northern with that fake passport for treason.

P.s ridada doesnt mean they left religion, i mean they left Unity. So they are apostates leaving Unity. Not apostates leaving islam. To me they are muslims.


Mickeymouse passport will never be accepted in Somalia.

I urge to execute any Northern with that fake passport for treason.

P.s ridada doesnt mean they left religion, i mean they left Unity. So they are apostates leaving Unity. Not apostates leaving islam. To me they are muslims.


Southie pride
give them bananas to your starving folk
Oooow, real. Have n't you seen on tv how your people suffering down there.. 90% people who live in Hargeisa are Oromo accept view H.A who are small business owners and greedy politicians. The rest of you got nothing beside hunger. You need banana waryaa, you need other Qudaar cuz you have no farms, as well you don't have a skills for fishing.
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Your superior
Oooow, real. Have n't you seen on tv how your people suffering down there.. 90% people who live in Hargeisa are Oromo accept view H.A whose business owners and greedy politicians. The rest of you got nothing beside hunger. You need banana waryaa, you need other Qudaar cuz you have no farms, as well you don't have a skills for fishing.

boon, stick to sucking dry animal skin and eating hyena meat.


Southie pride
boon, stick to sucking dry animal skin and eating hyena meat.
^^Lool, am laughing louder walaahi. Look whose calling boon. hahaha,.. Qowdhan you ex name was "Harga iibiyaaal" exchange for food, . Hargaha ka ganacsan jirtey "Gaajo", which makes you real boon. You DNA melted boonta living surrounded you.

When idiots disrespects the superiors, they talk how you talk cuz you helpless foolish. is a matter of time waryaa, however. will own your ass again. dame. inaa ku garbaasho and treat you as SLAVE for centuries that is natural. Ama punish you this time warya. am coming to Waqooyi Galbeed, so get ready to Rock and Roll.
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