Maamulka Somalia nacala waxa tihiin ku yala

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"Wargeyska inta badan ka faallooda Arrimaha Dhaqaalaha ee Al-eqtisadiya, kana soo baxa dalka Sacuudiga ayaa maanta qoray in Is-fahamka Guud ee Heshiiska ay Sacuudiga ku qoranayso 10-kun oo Muwaadiniin Somali oo ka shqeysta Sacuudiga ayaa dhamaaday, sida laga soo xigtay Ilo Diplomaasi oo Somali ah.

Ilo-wareedkaasi oo ka codsaday Wargeyska Al-eqtisadiya inaan magaciisa la shaacinin ayaa sheegay inuu Wasiirka Shaqada iyo Arrimaha Bulshadda ee Dowladda Somalia dhawaan booqasho degdeg ah ku tegi doono Sacuudiga si uu u soo dhamaystiro Wejiga Koowaad ee Heshiiska ay Sacuudiga ku qoranayaan in ka badan 10-kun oo Shaqaale Soomaali ah."



Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
The Arabs of the Gulf are perhaps the worst human beings on the planet. They refused to take a single Syrian refugee until they were shamed into it by the Western countries. Even in 1991, when Somalia collapsed Finland and Norway took in more Somalis than Arab countries.
Our real brothers are the atheist Finns and Christian Norwegians. Saudi Arabia has tens of thousands of Somalis, who were born there, and decades later still have no citizenship.
There is no such thing as a Muslim Ummah.
Wasiiraha iyo politicianada Soomaliya duud ee uugu la hoor istaagan wadamaha Carabta ah, ma lahan. Caraweelo cusuub oo modern times ah baan uu baahan naahay.

Our real brothers are the atheist Finns and Christian Norwegians.

Norwegians are also a very non-religious people. In fact, I'd make the claim that all non-religious/secularist people have made more of a difference to Somalis world-wide than Muslim and Arab countries. Long overdue that we don't associate with them.
@Bielsa Don't fall for propaganda, these girls are not Somalis.

Here is the real article posted a 3 years ago.

Google translate article.

He told the "economic" Dr. Ahmed Al-Fuhaid, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Labor for International Affairs: The site aims to facilitate procedures for citizens, and reduce the duration of the recruitment offices, and reduce fraud operations conducted by unlicensed offices.

He added that the recruitment is available from all countries that allow the export of domestic workers, the ministry seeks to facilitate the recruitment of them according to the choice of the citizen.

And Fehaid said: "The ministry is currently discussing with India, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Nepal, Laos, Cambodia, Comoros, Tajikistan; to sign agreements with them"; stressing the ministry's keenness to increase the sources of recruitment, to reduce the high costs, and diversify options for citizens.

Is vital to protect the rights of the contractors, and to be the employment of high quality and trained; and said that some countries may add in terms "what is considered an interference in the privacy of the citizen, and skeptical about Saudi systems," he rejected these conditions being affect the sovereignty of Saudi Arabia.

On the re-opening of recruitment from Indonesia, Ethiopia, pointed to the continuation of the negotiations with the two countries, and signed with Indonesia or other "is difficult to predict their time," the reliance on internal procedures in those countries, respected by the ministry, and is doing its part in the follow-up and coordination.

As for Ethiopia, he explained that the stop recruitment of which came from the Ministry of Labor in coordination with the Ministry of Interior, on a temporary basis, until they are conducting the necessary studies, and analysis of available data, to verify the events that took place recently, and in the light of this is to assess the situation and make the final decision.

For his part , Ahmed Humaidan , undersecretary for labor affairs , said : The new endeavor, what was done and the Ministry of Labour ; came after the release of a list of domestic workers , which helps exporting their labor countries to build on the specific regulation, is also consistent with the Regulation Gulf pilot .

He added that the Ministry of Labour does not interfere in the recruitment rates and costs , and that Saudi Arabia was found through a study that it is not the highest in the Gulf of recruitment costs , but overall this is subject to supply and demand .
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