Macalin xaliye says women asking for money is a big red flag

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Guys who hate on girls just don’t get them and start to hate them because they cannot attract them. It’s a weird phenomenon
Shit should not be possible in Somaliweyn and africa, you can get literally married with the snap of your fingers.
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I agree with you 💯but I feel as though Somali incels have been on a steady rise, including from those sheikhs that give dawah back home. They loosely use the words dhill0to describe Somali women when it’s a huge sin in Islam to refer to women as that when you have no proof that they commit adultery. I’ve been to Somalia twice, the women in my family do all the cooking, cleaning and wake up at 5am just to prepare breakfast and throughout the whole day they’re doing domestic work and even bring food to the men and when the men are finished eating, they don’t even have the courtesy to take their dirty plates to the kitchen, rather, they leave it on the floor and expect the women to pick it up for them. Somali women don’t even complain, and it’s a cycle that continues because they teach their daughters to also learn how to to domestic chores in preparation for marriage. I believe Somali men, like other men are highly entitled, and so if a woman rejects them, they spew all kinds of bullshit about Somali women and they’re highly embarrassing because they bring their hatred and animosity to social media. They don’t teach their sons anything and infantilise the crap out of them so when their sons do get married, 99.9% of the time the marriage ends in a disaster.
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Xaliye is feminine judging by his voice and features . He just doesn’t have the money to fully transition so he is jealous of natural women. Xaliye and his pitched voice can go to hell.
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A lot of men don’t want to work on themselves and expect a 10/10 woman to date them and when that doesn’t work reality sinks in and that’s when they harbour resentment and hatred for women. Contrary to popular belief, there are a lot of women who want a man who’s physically pleasing in the eyes, has a stable job, can look after himself and has things going for him. Most men expect women to do everything for them including cooking and cleaning and unfortunately the generation that are getting married now and future generations aren’t going to tolerate what our parents tolerated and enabled, especially nowadays when women are also working and are able to do everything without complaining. There are men who don’t do anything and just play video games the whole day and eat fast food and expect women to flock to them. I don’t think it’s just Somali men but men from all backgrounds and races. This entitlement that men have towards women needs to stop because I keep seeing too many angry men, especially online who curate content were they despise women.
Siren 95 how is the women 10/10, I think a lot of western women are crazy. Do you know 1/3 of women are on some kind physiological medication.
Siren 95 how is the women 10/10, I think a lot of western women are crazy. Do you know 1/3 of women are on some kind physiological medication.
Firstly, there are people, men and women who on the looks scale are a 10/10. You didn’t understand my post because I said there are men who don’t have much going for them but want a woman who’s beauty is out of this world when they’re unattractive themselves. Often their perception of women has sadly been shaped by and what they see on instagram; they don’t realise in most of the women aren’t natural especially with their private areas having surgical procedures performed that an ordinary woman wouldn’t do and on instagram there’s this rise of bbls, filters that the average instagram model will do and most men think this what real women look like. Unfortunately the pandemic has skewed a lot of men’s perception of women.

Also, it’s gross and disgusting for you to imply that all western women are on physiological medication and are crazy, you’re one of those people who I have spoken about in my previous posts. Would you say you’re mom is crazy and is on medicine?
Someone being 10/10 is subjective, and when I talk about western women I mean gaalos tbh. Even though as Muslim if we imitate then we will have the same problems. Do you think what some of your sister like Angelina and others espouse on here is facts. I have read some crazy stuff on here especially the dialogue between Kane and Angelina .
Someone being 10/10 is subjective, and when I talk about western women I mean gaalos tbh. Even though as Muslim if we imitate then we will have the same problems. Do you think what some of your sister like Angelina and others espouse on here is facts. I have read some crazy stuff on here especially the dialogue between Kane and Angelina .
Please don’t mention me and if you’re going to say what I’m saying is crazy. Point out exactly what you think I said is crazy, articulating your argument respectfully and clearly. At least then discussion can be honest and we both can learn from each other.

Espouse means beliefs. What crazy ‘beliefs’ do I have? here the things I mentioned:

-The cost of living in the West is high, so men find it hard to be breadwinners. ( That is indeed a fact and multiple studies attest to this). Even more so now in Liz Truss’s Britain in which two parent income households are struggling with energy bills. I’m sure you’ve been watching the news and how we’re now currently in a recession.

-Despite women working, they still do 80% of all the household duties. That is a fact. From psychology journals to medical ones attest to this. Women might be in 50/50 relationships financially, but household wise they’re still expected to do the most around the house.

-The rise in corn is making men stunt their social development and their ability to see women as people. Again, medical journals, men’s anecdotes even attest to this. They even go as far as saying corn is creating even more misogyny and men seeing normal women in negative light.

So, I have recapped my main points. What exactly is crazy? Is it the fact these facts are coming from me who you detest? Or the fact that I’m a female poster? Or that you simply disagree and think there is stronger evidence on the contrary?

I don’t have any intentions with arguing with people anymore. But if you’re going to come for people’s points be specific as what is crazy.

I’ve had enough of male posters here lying about me simply because they know they don’t have the ability to actually counter debate.

I hardly ever come up with points that haven’t been researched. Any point you see here, I’ll be more than happy to provide links and references.

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The whole story of "women beating him" was fake, waaryaa. And Macalin Xaliye is spitting facts here.
I still find grown ass men who just sit down in a front of a camera and just talk trash about women weird. The only ‘red pill’ guy I used to like was Hamza as the dude just focuses on men self improvement and criticising incels. Barely ever mentions womens faults.

Regardless bro, red pill talk isn’t really required for Somalia/Africa. Only thing a women might do is ask you for money before marriage and it is pretty common sense to not give hard earned money to a women that isn’t your wife other than paying for dates or birthday gift or rare gifts. But to just give her money whenever she asks for it, your retarded enough to not see that she’s using you.
I still find grown ass men who just sit down in a front of a camera and just talk trash about women weird. The only ‘red pill’ guy I used to like was Hamza as the dude just focuses on men self improvement and criticising incels. Barely ever mentions womens faults.Regardless bro, red pill talk isn’t really required for Somalia/Africa. Only thing a women might do is ask you for money before marriage and it is pretty common sense to not give hard earned money to a women that isn’t your wife other than paying for dates or birthday gift or rare gifts. But to just give her money whenever she asks for it, your retarded enough to not see that she’s using you.

Well, the guy is in East Africa and is reflecting the dating game in that environment. His targeted audience is not the hooyo-mataalo kids or Western-raised kids. And frankly, the amount of support he receives from that pool is a testament to this message: The guy is very popular within that crowd.

