Macawiisleey rebel against Cali Jeyte



Today. Waxe lee yahiin rag badan aa nooga maqan hiraan state sido kale hanti badan. Anigu la doodi maa ilmo zina. Cidi rabto ha firsato ame yee firsan lol tan ine cali jeyte qabsaneeso hora aan u sheegay mooryaantaas macawiisleeyda la lee yahay wax ma deeqaan iscuna dheh:lolbron:
Do you think we are like uncivilised Apegaals who slaughter each other in mosques and kill pregnant women?

A few Macawisley will get their rights from Jeyte inshallah these are civilised men who have tabasho against Madaxweyne Jeyte. Keep killing yourselves.

FG: Awalba Daaro Mudolood sharmûûtô beey aheyd.