Madow guy shocks somali brother with his af soomali skills

Wtf is up with you ajnabis speaking af-somali. Also r.i.p to the YouTuber, i remember watching him years ago he was incredibly respectful and well educated.

My father lived in Mogadishu for about 3-4 years and spoke the Somali language fluently. So, that kind of influenced me. :)
have you taken a DNA test?

No. But I have been mistaken for being Somali by everyone from white people to somalis themselves. Random older Somali brother approached me at the masjid speaking af Somali lol.

Don't know much about those things. (DNA tests). Do somalis have a specific DNA and Oromo have a different one? If so, what's the proof of that?


J Haplogroup Enthusiast
No. But I have been mistaken for being Somali by everyone from white people to somalis themselves. Random older Somali brother approached me at the masjid speaking af Somali lol.

Don't know much about those things. (DNA tests). Do somalis have a specific DNA and Oromo have a different one? If so, what's the proof of that?
Yes, chromosome haplogroup variation

Would love to see oromos taking the dna test, they can easily beat the dir case, as dir are T haplogroup. 23andme isn't going to provide all the information you want but will give you the basic.

23andme is actually free at the moment, if you live in the US,

it will provide you with health report, Y hap report, regions report and relatives report.
Always hooyo mataalos that have a problem with ajnabis speaking Somali 😂 hmm i wonder why
I speak fluently you brain dead nigga, I thought he was just one of them ajnabis who can't speak somali but use words like "warya" or "madow" to seem cool around other somalis. Anyway @Abba Sadacha I apologise, shouldn't have assumed.