Mandera county residents coming to Beledhawo, Gedo for basic water and supplies!

Somali Saayid

Oct 21, 1969
During Iftar today, residents of Mandera town were compelled to cross the border into Somalia to buy ice water from the neighboring town of Beled Hawo due to an ongoing power outage.

Mandera, once a key supplier of ice to nearby towns in Somalia & Ethiopia, now finds itself in an unprecedented situation where its own residents must seek ice elsewhere. The demand has surged during the holy month of Ramadan, as daytime temperatures in the town soar to 40°C, making access to ice essential for cooling drinks…
- Almamy Mohamed

The people of mandera are suffering yet their leaders continue to enjoy luxury at their expense. Despite the county receiving Kshs 12 Billion annually, basic services are non-existent forcing residents to struggle for their daily needs.
Meanwhile,the leaders land in mandera on private flights and smile for the cameras and showcasing their lavish lifestyles on TikTok while ordinary residents walk to Beled Hawo just to buy ice water for Iftaar.

Also ,the worst of all ,when elections come they still bring these failures back to the office. Mandera deserves better. It is time to break the cycle and fight for change.
- Ayub Yuvi

Xalad mandera

Shacabka maagalada Mandera ayaa danta ku qasabtay in ay u gudbaadan xuduudka Beledhawo islamarkana ay barafka ka soo iibsadaan xili Mandera ay kajirto koronto la aan.

Magaalada Mandera ayaa horay baraf u siin jirtay Magaalooyinka Deriska ee ku yaala somaaliya iyo Itoobiya , waana markii ugu horaysay oo shacbka ka gudbaan xuduudka si ay u helaan barafka oo aad loogu baahanyahay Bisha Barakeysan ee Ramadan iyadoo heerkulka magaalada uu marayo 41•C Maalintii .

- Goje Abdirahman

Videos of cars lining up to drive into the city to buy supplies and food.

Hospital patients are being transported to overwhelmed Beledhawo hospitals after power outages in kenyan hospitals.

Somali Saayid

Oct 21, 1969
Mandera, today we stand here not just as individuals but as a united community, frustrated and disappointed. It is heartbreaking to see our town in darkness no power, no cold water in this holy month of Ramadan. Our people are suffering, and yet, we were given promises that have not been fulfilled.

We were told, “Nimeleta machine power mbili,” but where is the confirmation? Where is the light? Leaders must understand that a promise is not just words it is a commitment to the people! If you cannot fulfill your promise, usiahidi kitu huwezi kutimiza!

Today, our youth are expressing their anger by burning roads and businesses, but I urge you, let us not destroy our own town. Let us demand accountability in a peaceful and strong way. Ramadan is a month of patience, but patience does not mean silence. We must stand together and demand real solutions, not empty words.

To our leaders: Deliver what you promised, or do not promise at all! The people of Mandera deserve better. We will not accept lies. We want action!
H.E Governor Mohamed Adan Khalif
Hon. Suleka Hulbale Harun, MPHon. Hussein WeytanHon.Major-Rtd Bashir AbdullahiInjectorBashka MaleySenator Capt. Ali Ibrahim Roba EGH, MP@

Mandera, today we stand here not just as individuals but as a united community, frustrated and disappointed. It is heartbreaking to see our town in darkness no power, no cold water in this holy month of Ramadan. Our people are suffering, and yet, we were given promises that have not been fulfilled.


Somali Saayid

Oct 21, 1969
Mandera Needs Power, Not Promises

Mandera’s scorching heat, often soaring beyond 35°C, makes electricity a necessity, not a luxury. Yet, as we enter the blessed month of Ramadhan, our town is plunged into total darkness. No power, no relief from the heat, no means to store food safely. Families are left to eat spoiled food, businesses are shutting down, and livelihoods are crumbling all because of a failed electricity system.

Imagine an entire town struggling without power during a month when people need it the most. The suffering is real, yet those in leadership remain silent. Where is the MP who promised electricity? Where are the leaders who vowed to serve the people of Mandera? They installed solar panels for themselves at a staggering cost of Ksh 300,000, while the rest of us are left in darkness. Is this leadership, or just another case of empty promises?

Shops, butcheries, and restaurants are incurring massive losses. Barbershops, cyber cafés, and welders businesses that sustain families are at a standstill. People can’t even charge their phones, making communication and mobile money transactions nearly impossible. The suffering is unbearable.

This is not just about inconvenience; it’s about neglect and injustice. Power is not a privilege it is a basic need. Mandera deserves reliable electricity, not show-offs and broken promises. We demand urgent action, not excuses. The people of Mandera are watching, and they will remember.
Hon. Hussein WeytanCabdulrasaaq Cabdulqaadir Ibrahim
Citizen TV Kenya
William Ruto was in Mandera last month, why didn’t the residents not talk about the energy and water crisis

