Getting draids inshallah
I like watching this channel a lot because it gives an understanding of what history was like in the past. I keep telling my siblings to study history but it's something they have no interest in. In history, one finds how to be, and how to act. People today have made the exact same mistakes over and over again in our past.
Watch this documentary and learn how the Islamic leaders of the past dealt with the various problems they came across in their time. I've heard a ton of times how people wished they lived at the time of the prophet, but I've never really understood why. Prophet Mohamed was a great man, but he was a man nonetheless. Everything we do as Muslims aims to embody what he did and how he was in this world. Instead of wishing for living in his time, why not re-create to the best of our abilities who he was as a person? Humble, kind, empathic, literal goodwill towards all, and a deep desire for all man-kind to be good, to do good and understand in literal terms that it matters not what you do, but who you are, (your heart), that you get into Janna.
Khalid Bin Walid, Umar ibn Khatib, Amir ibn al-as, Abu-Bakr, Ali, Uthman, and all of the other companions. As a kid, I looked up to them not for what they did, but for who they were as men.
Tomorrow is Eid. Had a talk with my baby sister today.
'Are you fasting'-BS
'I forgot'-Me
'You should fast'
'Well yeah I forgot-------I watched this documentary today. It was about early Muslim expansion. I know you're almost done with the Quran, you'd like it'
'I'm almost done with the Quran, I have a couple of Surah's to-go,----you know today is Arafat??"
"Sorry what?"
"You can ask Allah of any wish you want? "
"lol... what did you ask for?"
"I want my baby-brother to talk, and I also wish to go to Jannah one day".
"Funny, why do you want to go to Jannah?"
"What do you mean? I don't want to go to Hell."
"Dumb. Your only reason to go to Jannah is to avoid Hell?"
"I want to go Jannah, not Hell."
Did Islam grow to be the religion it is today because all those people feared going to hell rather than Jannah all those centuries past? If fear of Hell is what motivated me instead of my own deep desire to be in Jannah, would I fight with passion and vigor on the battlefield?
I'm the worst Muslim you will ever find. But I'd rather go to Hell than dilute the base reasons why I look up to the great leaders of the Muslim World at its conception.
Courage comes from acting even when faced with immense fear. Bravery without the acknowledgment of the unknown/fear is foolhardy bravery. This is something I never really understood with the way the religion was conveyed to me. I'd die for something I believed in. That is passion. But you try to make me fear something so that I would believe it.....Sorry, my head is hard. Lava over there is hot? Ok, let's dive in it. It's funny. You don't try to convince someone of something through fear if you want them to do what you want, you make them invested in the idea. "Buy this or you will die," f*ck you. "Do this and you'll be a good person," Oh I'm down!
Khalid ibn Walid has always been my personal role model. Our prophet however should really be the role model of every man in this world. It is easy to get hyped up to go battle some random dudes. To be humble in the face of total aggression, however...... I personally don't have that willpower.
Watch the video and try to understand the human that bound all of those great leaders into one. True Manhood is the model of our prophet. We either try to replicate or pretend to be who he was.
And the saddest thing there is, we not only overlook the example Prophet Mohammed set for us, but we also twist and bind his character to fit who we are with our actions and our own base characters.
Why.... Fear of Hell.
This is honestly a legit question. Is it the fire of hell you fear more than your love of the deen
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