It is a known fact many Somali man bidaar grows fast with Somali men it's not something to deny, but what amazes me is. Okay you get bidaar fast, but why not take action. Many stay jileec with their calool kuus iyo weird looks iyo futo weyn oily body and weird clothing kkkkkkkkk its so fcking weird. I mean I seen brothers who just turned 20 already with sickest bidaar. It's normal for Somali men no need to feel ashamed but be smart go bald but dont stay skinny like a bald headed tooth-stick. No my nigga go Arnold Schwarzenegger on them th0ts. Yall niggas brag a lot but walllahi are not about action only when its on other Somali men. Go insane on them reps. Also if you can grow a beard with that bald head that would even be a plus. Good luck.
Apart from that I would like to encourage us to bring in new blood from other races to destroy this bidaar gene.
Wa bilahi tawfeeq
Apart from that I would like to encourage us to bring in new blood from other races to destroy this bidaar gene.
Wa bilahi tawfeeq