Mariah Carey embarasses herself after caught lip syncing

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She's worth half a billion anyways. I don't think she gives a f*ck lol.

She got fat though. She should care about her weight
Some guy on reddit that claims to have a background on the technical aspect of live singing said this.

"That really looks like a huge technical failure, and it looks like the music wasn't being fed back to her. You'll note that speakers point away from the stage, and that's the direction the sound is going. As a result of that it ends up sounding pretty off when you're on stage, unless you've got good foldbacks or in ear monitors. She says openly that her monitor isn't working, so she can't hear what's being played very clearly at all. Instead she can hear dancers bouncing about, the crowd yelling, and the hints of a song. If she starts singing openly, she'll hear only her singing.

She's in a lose-lose situation as a result. She has two choices:

1) Perform the song with no real point of reference. She's pretty much guaranteed to make a balls up of it as a result of that, and everyone will be saying she can't sing for shit and will be ridiculed for the performance.

2) Bring attention to the fact that there's a technical f*ck up, and everyone will say that she can't sing for shit and will be ridiculed for the performance.

She picked option two. I'm not sure there was any other choice, really."
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