Mark my words Libya 2.0 all of that will be looted🤷🏽


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Somalia is changing,. The govt had the nerves to evict Habar gidir families from their slums. Thats ballsy. Big Corporates moving in

Dalac Bilaash

☠ Emperor of The Horn ☠
Somalia doesn’t have nearly as much oil as you’re making it seem, they’ve started doing surveys in the country early on in the year and we’ll be getting their results by the end of 2024-2025.
It has much more than that 2D Seismic by Norwegian TGS found 30 billion barrels now when the 3D Seismic research starts in the coming September we will even find more



Let him cook

Internet Nomad

Nothing matters if the leadership isn’t there
You should really pay attention to the lyrics
There is no use of resources without a smart government. Somalia needs a complete clean-up campaign from the foundation to the top person for politicians, as Mohammed bin Salman did in 2018. He brought all the businessmen in the country to a hotel and began a major corruption investigation campaign, and then after that start developing the country. If you were president I would have done it seeing countries like Singapore, Malaysia or Norway as my goal and then achieving it


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