East Burco will pay for this in blood. Her brothers from the east will be arriving shortly.
The Jeegaanta will pay for this in blood. Her brothers from the east will be arriving shortly.
It is Dhulos that are at fault for giving their women to Jeegaanta in the first place. So
whenever a Sland soldier is killed in Tukuraq they take out on the poor Dhulo women
married to them.
I though these two communities intermarriages stopped in Buhoodle district, if not i don't see how it can continue. Xeer clearly states women and children are to spared in any conflict.
It is not widespread like in the past however it is still exists. The only solution is a total ban on intermarriages to protect their women from such situations.
I heard HY took hartis side and are protecting them is it true?
There might have to be. This is sickening stuff, since when are women targets in times of colaad?
Yeah I know that its a cowardly act done by HJ but if HY are protecting the few hartis in Burco thats great.It is not HY dhaqan to beat women married to them in times of war.
Now i understand why everyone in waqooyi dislikes the east burco community.
War wuxuu dhaqan xuma