mashallah somali shia

Most likely a troll

having the Somalia flag on an anonymous tiktok page does not make one Somali

If you are not a Sunni you can’t claim Somali otherwise you are a kaffir the same as an atheist


"I don’t live in darkness, darkness lives in me."
Although I don't give a damn about Islam or any other religion, I'd prefer Somali Shias in our community over the Sunni/ Wahabi Islamists.


Troll. He knows putting Somalia in his profile will gain him traction. Those people do not look Somali i hope people are correcting this nacas in the replies
No one should ever consider a Shia to be their friend. They insult the companions and say treacherous lies about our mother Aisha. Just go to youtube and watch their khutbahs where they say the nastiest things about the people whom we honor the most. They even celebrate the day Umar died and sing praises for his assassin. Sick people...