Miskiin, ilaahey ilmaheeda ha soo celiyo. I would go crazy if my kids were taken away for even couple of hours. But to be honest 99.99% of time somalida caruurtooda ayagaa dayaca marka laga qaatana way iswaalan.
I mean I witksbt want her to have her kids back bc she is unstable but I want the gov to hand the kids to the Islamic community in Winnipeg
The crazy part abt is that if she knows a somali family has her kids then she'll show up in the middle of the night
Somalis don't like to adopt kids. Its a burden on them.
Somali men don't even take care of their own biological kids. They run away
Why did the kids taken away from the parents? I want to hear the government's side of story. Something had to happen!
She doesn't look or sound mentally unstable person. Maybe lacag bay ku qaadan jirtay? Islaama ah qaarba ayagoo cafimaad qaba dhaha "I am mentally unstable blah blah" si ay lacag u helaan.The lady has mental sickness ..they alleged that she burned one of the child
She doesn't look or sound mentally unstable person. Maybe lacag bay ku qaadan jirtay? Islaama ah qaarba ayagoo cafimaad qaba dhaha "I am mentally unstable blah blah" si ay lacag u helaan.
Kow! Hadaad saas tahay bal is ilaali yaan caruurta lagaa qaadan.Ruqiya walaal labo Nooc oo waaliya ba jirta...qof caadi kuula eeg ( like me) iyo qof dharka iska dhiga ( like grandpakhiif)
He has a point tho
Look at what this sick Arab wrote about her. My blood is boiling.
He has a point tho