May the baby's parents go to hell! Pic of a Italian coastguard going viral ( Somali related)

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Sad! As usual no Somalis will share as they have done so(passionately) about the small Arab boy who suffered the same fate.
Somalis are a wretched and cursed people. Either let me become a philosopher king and rule over you all or forever wallow in your miserable and ignoble existence.

AUN to the baby.


Suicidal men adore me.
SubhanAllah. That's a small child. Poor baby. We need to do something back home and make sure our people don't wanna migrate. Look at that baby.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Inalilah wa inaa ilahi raajicun.

What kind of mother brings her newborn baby to tahriib?
This is an ongoing genocide and the frequency of it is disheartning.

Ilaahay baa u maqan.

I won't solely put the blame on these people risking their lives.
I'd rather ask; would I've acted differently if I were in their shoes? Probably not.
I solely blame this tragedy on the smugglers. Each of the migrants paid over $2K, they where deceived and put on a low maintained boat. The smugglers are by the way all Somali, Somali men living in Egypt.
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