Members with the most likes.

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Queen Carawelo

Duchess is leading the pack with 967 likes. I come in second, geeljiire comes in close to me, while menace is pushing 518. :banderas:



President - Sexaholics Anonymous, Ohio chapter
I did some arithmetic ....numbers can be deceiving ...

For instance ...

Percentage wise:

Duchess: 81% of her comments are liked

SSpotter: 65%

VicePr : 64%

Idman : 60%

Geeljire : 54%..tied with Ajohn

Bandit: 46%...tied with AirJ

Menace: 38%

Aduunyeey xaalkaa ba!

When I further break it down we found the following ..

because of my plethora of posts I've ended with a low number due to 2 factors ...1. I'm a male .....I'm a troll...

Duchess can be explained too...

1. She's a female ..2. A lot of MJ supporters who egg her on...3. She's full of wisdom ...4. She's a queen ...

SSpotter's number is spectacular for a male but there's a explanation

1. Wa kufaar, a lot kufaars in here...allow soo hadeey

2. He posts in an intervals, which allows him to have quality

Yaa meesha ku qasaartey you might ask ........Idman ...reason being

1.shes a female ....

2. She's an MJ

These are two qualities which should've made her number 2 at the least but however a lot of folks in here believe inantu wa the cuckoo bird..

That been said I bet you someone out there is in the 90s ...remember that I said numbers can be deceiving ..Idman explain why and how? looool...oops someone has been lying to us abt their schooling

Queen Carawelo

Who are you calling cuckoo bird? You former plantation worker menace!
You can be the most brilliant and insightful person on a forum but still be less likeable or less popular than a troll or doqon.

I'm not comparing anyone to others. I dont even believe I should be top 5. But pointing out the flaw in the like system


President - Sexaholics Anonymous, Ohio chapter
You can be the most brilliant and insightful person on a forum but still be less likeable or less popular than a troll or doqon.

I'm not comparing anyone to others. I dont even believe I should be top 5. But pointing out the flaw in the like system

Did you just call your aabo a doqon:damn::damn::damn::damn:
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