Men get periods too..

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... There are days when I see men become such whiny flimsy wet blankets!

It's due to there emotional imbalance.

Men get PMS TOO!!

Irritable male syndrome.

1) Men's testosterone, for instance, varies and goes up and down four or five times an hour.
2) There are daily cycles with testosterone being higher in the morning and lower at night.
3) Men have a monthly hormonal cycle that is unique to each man, but men can actually track their moods and recognize they are related to hormonal changes through the month.
4) We know that there are seasonal cycles with testosterone higher in November and lower in April.
5) We know about hormonal cycles with males during adolescence, but also the years between 40 and 55 have what we call male menopause or andropause.
6) Finally, we know there are hormonal changes in men going through IMS, related to stress in a man's life.

"What we've found is that one of the primary symptoms is denial. That is, men think the problem is anywhere other than in themselves."



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They say that women get irrational and illogical when they are on their period, and this has been used to mock and denigrate women's ability to lead and and get into position of power. But if you think about it, it's men who get irrational and illogical when they get a boner and when that happens all clear thinking goes out of the window. Men start thinking erratically that leads to disastrous decisions.

Look at Bill Clinton, he couldn't keep his white dick to himself. Look at the numerous male politicians who cheat on their wives and misuse tax payers money. A perfect example is Mark Sanford, whilst governor of South Carolina, cheated on his wife with a woman from Argentina, and used public funds for his trips to f*ck his mistress. His boner made him do this.

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