Men line up for a sexual encounter with white OF wh*res (Majority Blacks)

Scared Kermit The Frog GIF

All those dudes are degenerates; the event may have specified some niche or specific kind of c*rn -- hence why this demographic turned up in droves

Imagine being so down bad that you're willing to be naked with other men in order to take turns on radioactive P

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Public flogging should be the punishment. There is also cadaans and asians present. Dadkaan cawaan waaye, degenerancy that we have never seen before.
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If women had orgies with their female friends, they'd all be accused of being lesbians.

But when men have orgies, maintaining a state of arousal around other naked men, nobody bats an eye. Not to mention the fact that they have each other's sperm on their genitals from sharing the same orifice etc.

What do we call this sexual orientation?

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All those dudes are degenerates; the event may have specified some niche or specific kind of c*rn -- hence why this demographic turned up in droves

Imagine being so down bad that you're willing to be naked with other men in order to take turns on radioactive P

From my understanding straight men don't get aroused around other naked men. Nor would a straight man want to exchange bodily fluids with other men. But if you rightfully call them gay, they'll get upset.

Hypersexual ciyaalo suuq culture is VERY khaniis. They are always around other men, and even include them in their sex life, through watching c0rn together, to raping or running trains on women.

They do anything for their male friends, including serving time, harming people etc. They get each other gifts and they get props for mistreating women. The more abusive you are to women, the more respect you get in those circles. Of course, they also like to sag their pants and show off their booty cheeks, and then pretend that women want to see that.

They/ their culture is so khaniis that it's hilarious actually.


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When I see garbage like this, I am reminded of the fact that MARRIED COUPLES have to read a duah before doing the deed.

Bismillฤh. Allฤhumma jannibnash-Shayแนญฤn, wa jannibish-Shayแนญฤna mฤ razaqtanฤ

  • With the Name of Allah. O Allah, keep the Devil away from us, and keep the Devil away from that which You provide for us

So, just imagine what kind of demonic rituals are going on here. I am convinced that c0rnography and other perverted and abusive acts are a form of shaydaan worship and balaayo conjuring. That's why people who engage and consume this have dead/tired eyes and overall appearance of being worn out.
She got a trains ran on her by 1000+ yt men. Imagine wanting to sleep with her after ๐Ÿคฎ๐Ÿคฎ๐Ÿคฎ๐Ÿคฎ j men are repulsive, walking biohazards.
What do you expect from a demographic that views hunting for and sleeping with foreign women as an achievement.

For those of you who are saying AAs are the ones who champion that,madow 1st and 2nd-3rd generation immigrants are light and day in difference between one another.
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