Mexican immigrants are leaving California

But Mexico is so bad, then why are they going back ? Also, Mexicans can’t talk shit about Christopher Columbus because they were also enslaving other natives. Central and South American countries treat natives and blacks like dog shit. I really hate Latinos judging the USA but want to leave here. I agree about Organic saying that Mexicans degrade themselves working for less. I believe that Democrats only like immigrants for the votes and cheap labor
A lot of third world countries see USA as heaven and a 2nd chance but they then realize that's no longer true the stereotypical USA or Utopia is just working hours and hours SJWs, Sensitive people that will cancel you if you don’t agree with them. I can see why they want to leave although not all of Mexico is bad either...
A good portion of the United States is literally Mexico and the people America conquered just never left their land or homes like Tejanos or Chicanos, I feel like they do have a right to judge, degrade and insult America.
A good portion of the United States is literally Mexico and the people America conquered just never left their land or homes like Tejanos or Chicanos, I feel like they do have a right to judge, degrade and insult America.
But they took it from the other natives. A lot of natives that I’ve met actually hate Mexicans because 1. Aztecs were enslaving and taking their land 2. They see Latinos as mutts.
A good portion of the United States is literally Mexico and the people America conquered just never left their land or homes like Tejanos or Chicanos, I feel like they do have a right to judge, degrade and insult America.
Plus, a lot of Central Americans were very cruel to blacks. I know a lot of Mexicans that don’t like blacks or other Latinos. Mexicans are kinda similar to Somalis were it comes to nationalism and the superiority complex. Think about it: There’s no Latin Union. There’s a reason.
But Latinos aren’t part Native :cosbyhmm:
Mexican mestizos are on 64% European, true 50/50 mixes don't really exist and obviously white favored domination occurred socially which reflects in their genetics, not to mention they're not culturally native and have more in common with any spaniard then pre Colombian peoples, it is still appropriate to laugh at a latino if he calls himself native unless he is obviously mostly native, or culturally in touch speaking his native tongue(not spanish)
But they took it from the other natives. A lot of natives that I’ve met actually hate Mexicans because 1. Aztecs were enslaving and taking their land 2. They see Latinos as mutts.
they are lol, read my previous comment explaining it, the aztecs are also dead and mestizos arent their descendants or successors. The poor natives of America truly got cucked the worst with colonization
Yup mexicans like all other ethnic groups except black and white people both benefit from the oppression of black people and feel the negative effects of white supremacy. But bottom line idc about them because they're anti-black and if we solved the problem of anti-blackness, racism wouldn't be a problem so yh.