Middle East is the best exporter

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Your superior
They should teach us marketing. They are the best exporters, they have exported 2 biggest products in the world Christianity and Islam . We got to give it to them. Well done. No other region has been as successful as them exporting their ideologies and religions
They still do it today with Isis. Ironically they have SJWs defending them because they are not white Christians. They also cuckold the west with their oil.
You gotta respect their hustle
I strongly disagree with this. It's the other way around if anything.
Saudi Arabia is fucking up oil prices which is tanking the norwegian crown (currency):jcoleno:

100 bucks used to be almost 500 kroner now it's closer to 900:jcoleno:

We're still rich af tourists but we used to be richer tourists:jcoleno:


They should teach us marketing. They are the best exporters, they have exported 2 biggest products in the world Christianity and Islam . We got to give it to them. Well done. No other region has been as successful as them exporting their ideologies and religions
Its time we start a somali religion to export.


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
Lol the arabs are connected to foreign markets unlike the Somali. They simply buy livestock amongst other things and sell it to the Chinese for a higher price. Even the Frakincese. It's getting ridiculous now, there is no reason for them to be the middleman today. We need to export directly to these countries so we can get a better deal for the livestock owners and the exporter themselves.
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