"Minneapolis Subsidizes Somalis Vacations in Africa"

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Not your typical Farah
It appears that Minnesota's housing board will have some Somali residents who live in taxpayer subsided housing to pay the minimum monthly rent of $75 for the time they're vacationing in Somalia.

"Public housing residents in Minneapolis will no longer need to pay their normal monthly rent when travel abroad erases their income, a change particularly sought by East African immigrants.

The board of the Minneapolis Public Housing Authority approved this week reverting to its previous policy of collecting only minimal rent during extended absences. The change takes effect once approved by federal housing officials, which is expected by year’s end.

Abdi Warsame, a City Council member, told the board that the policy in place for the past five years works a particular hardship on elderly East Africans who must save for long periods if they want to visit their homelands. He said that many receive federal Supplemental Security Income, which is halted when the recipient is outside the United States.

Yet the policy required people to keep paying rent, which is income-based. Travelers gone for 30 to 90 days could apply for a hardship, which meant that they paid the minimum $75 monthly rent during their absence, but were required to make up the difference between that and their normal rent over the next year or two."


What are your opinions? Agree or disagree with this? Will this put Somalis in a negative light?

Also, this was published on Breitbart: http://www.breitbart.com/big-govern...-rent-somali-refugees-travel-overseas-months/


Isn't it common in the US to only have like maximum of two weeks of paid vacation?
There's actually no requirement in federal law. Employers can get away with 0 days of paid vacation.


Not your typical Farah
Isn't it common in the US to only have like maximum of two weeks of paid vacation?
There's actually no requirement of vacation time in federal law. Employers can get away with 0 days of paid vacation.
There no laws - federal, state or local that requires paid vacations for private companies/organizations. However, there number of states that requires companies to payout the vacation time an employee accrued.
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