misconceptions about Somalis and immigrants in the UK, am i wrong?

The vast majority of non-EU immigrants living in the UK in 2021 have become British Citizens. When it comes to the Somalis in social housing, 65% of Somalia-born people have British citizenship and 43% of Somalis were born and raised in the UK. Plus, all the foreign-born ones came 2 decades ago as refugees (back when it was far easier to get social housing) and their children are only just becoming adults. So in this “72% of Somalis are in social housing”, it’s refugees (who became British citizens after waiting so long) and their children who were born and raised in the UK.

Moreover, while many of the first gen non-EU migrants unfortunately don’t do so well often working in low-skilled jobs (which we still need like carers), their children do better than even white British children. Hence we see African and South Asian children do better in school and are more likely to go to university than white British children. So in the long run, they will contribute more. The UK is the only European country where second generation migrants surpass locals in education.

Plus, there is currently net negative EU migration.

Also, if you go to the actual link under this ridiculous table, you’ll see it’s based on identity, not country of birth.


