Modular Condo Development Somalia

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My Xoolos,
(My Wealth)


I hope some young Somali kid types the keywords "Somali, Modular and Condo" and google returns him this search result.


Now that you are reading this. Don't give up. Your intuition is right. Cut costs and maintain minimalism. Your hunch is absolutely right--Somalia has a clean slate and needs to brand herself as the greenest African country.

But you need investors.

There is no IPO or Acquisition in the Somali Peninsula.'s pure hand-to-hand cash raising.

Keep researching and start raising capital, many of us are looking for motivated individuals like yourself who can develop the Horn that spears green tech and software to move us forward.

..who knows :manny: you might be featured in or


The Puntite


Cultural revolution
I thought modular homes were inefficient dangerous and expensive

Just The thought of money and labor spent on transporting entire buildings :holeup:
I thought modular homes were inefficient dangerous and expensive

Just The thought of money and labor spent on transporting entire buildings :holeup:

"I Thought" is different from "I Tried".

The Somali coastline is primed up for Modular homes.

Here's your answer to these words:

Labour: Somali has cheap labour/Output

Transport: Cheapest in East Africa
:ivers: Try again


Cultural revolution
"I Thought" is different from "I Tried".

The Somali coastline is primed up for Modular homes.

Here's your answer to these words:

Labour: Somali has cheap labour/Output

Transport: Cheapest in East Africa
:ivers: Try again

Understood but what's the actual opportunity cost of my construction company using the traditional building methods (ground-up) instead of making modular buildings in a factory and stacking them on a site?

There is a reason you don't see many companies having their buildings being built like this :ufdup:
Understood but what's the actual opportunity cost of my construction company using the traditional building methods (ground-up) instead of making modular buildings in a factory and stacking them on a site?

There is a reason you don't see many companies having their buildings being built like this :ufdup:

Concrete in Somalia is imported.

Using finished sheets and materials from Kenya and Tanzania would build leed certified buildings for much cheaper than traditional methods. Somalis has along coastline with beachfront views.

This application would word best for office buildings instead of residential.


Quintessentially negroid: Your problem?
Why would anyone want a condo outside of a major city lol.

I don't know. Maybe...

1. The land might be stolen.
2. Al-FUCKING Shabaab
3. Dodgy government
4. People not wanting to live in the condos because of the above 3 reasons.

I would rather invest in PL. We have the largest diaspora and most of them are @LarryThePuntite age or just 12 years older (1970-1986). Therefore they'll be late-bloomers into the economy and I'll be waiting for them.
Long shot.

We can start dreaming about luxury homes when there's no possibility of it being blown up in the near future

I have a home Ras Hafun. The the sunrise hits my house before any living creature or surface on the African continent.

Modular homes return more profits than traditional methods since they can be built inland without using cement.

Do you know how much Cement costs in Somalia?

Do you know Somali does produce its own cement.

If a someone built this, you would be the first to admire its application.
I don't know. Maybe...

1. The land might be stolen.
2. Al-FUCKING Shabaab
3. Dodgy government
4. People not wanting to live in the condos because of the above 3 reasons.

I would rather invest in PL. We have the largest diaspora and most of them are @LarryThePuntite age or just 12 years older (1970-1986). Therefore they'll be late-bloomers into the economy and I'll be waiting for them.

Xamar is not the only major city in Somalia. It's definitely the best place for a luxury condo though, (not under the present conditions of course. I thought that was obvious), it used to be the pearl of Africa back in the old days.
I have a home Ras Hafun. The the sunrise hits my house before any living creature or surface on the African continent.

Modular homes return more profits than traditional methods since they can be built inland without using cement.

Do you know how much Cement costs in Somalia?

Do you know Somali does produce its own cement.

If a someone built this, you would be the first to admire its application.

I'm not hating.

I'm just asking questions. I just think this is far fetched. We have awful transportation costs and routes. It might just be more practical to stick with brick and mortar homes in the time being
I don't know. Maybe...

1. The land might be stolen.
2. Al-FUCKING Shabaab
3. Dodgy government
4. People not wanting to live in the condos because of the above 3 reasons.

I would rather invest in PL. We have the largest diaspora and most of them are @LarryThePuntite age or just 12 years older (1970-1986). Therefore they'll be late-bloomers into the economy and I'll be waiting for them.

1. Nobody can carry Mods
2. Terrorist attacking Non-political developments would depth this divide.
3. Government has nothing to do with developement. This is private equity.
4. It isn't just people, office towers take 2-3 years to complete in Somalia because of Cement constraints.

Please give us a real reason why you wouldn't invest in this properly built in 6 month of any beachfront:



Quintessentially negroid: Your problem?
1. Nobody can carry Mods
2. Terrorist attacking Non-political developments would depth this divide.
3. Government has nothing to do with developement. This is private equity.
4. It isn't just people, office towers take 2-3 years to complete in Somalia because of Cement constraints.

Please give us a real reason why you wouldn't invest in this properly built in 6 month of any beachfront:


I never said I wasn't going to invest. I just said Xamar was illogical, why would I do that when I'll have my families assets stolen again.
I'm not hating.

I'm just asking questions. I just think this is far fetched. We have awful transportation costs and routes. It might just be more practical to stick with brick and mortar homes in the time being

It's about ROI.

Office towers and homes are expensive in Somalia.

People build wide and not high for a reason.

The costs are too high.

Modular developments are not only practical they are excellent for publicity.

Africa is built low not wide. And if you have noticed cement production doesn't exist in Somalia.

You aren't hateing walaal, you're misinformed. :comeon:


Quintessentially negroid: Your problem?
I thought about modular condos before but then I remembered the types of roads we have and realised its difficult at best right now.

Maybe a few years from now when I gathered the income.
I don't know. Maybe...

1. The land might be stolen.
2. Al-FUCKING Shabaab
3. Dodgy government
4. People not wanting to live in the condos because of the above 3 reasons.

I would rather invest in PL. We have the largest diaspora and most of them are @LarryThePuntite age or just 12 years older (1970-1986). Therefore they'll be late-bloomers into the economy and I'll be waiting for them.

Btw more people die from Car accidents in Somalia than Al-Shabab attacks.


cismaan maxamuud
xamar is a lost case,anything can happen at any time which could lead to your assets being destroyed or looted by mooryaan.If you are going to invest anywhere in somalia atm make sure it's either in SL or PL
It's about ROI.

Office towers and homes are expensive in Somalia.

People build wide and not high for a reason.

The costs are too high.

Modular developments are not only practical they are excellent for publicity.

Africa is built low not wide. And if you have noticed cement production doesn't exist in Somalia.

You aren't hateing walaal, you're misinformed. :comeon:

Who knew, everything's expensive when you have to import 90% of the materials needed.

But I don't want to derail.

How would you go about building a modular office or home in 2017 Somalia
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