Mogadishu meeting to soon take place with president and regional leaders


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
shouldn’t the top agenda be Ethiopia and not elections ? since the president admitted the xabashi have taken gedo?

either make sense. Since LG and madobe having their own elections means it’s over for Hassan’s constitution. He has to stop them from doing that so he can secure the 1m1v
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Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
HAG consititution is dead since MJ out the picture, who will follow donkey goverment.
If all four of the other states are on board, then Puntland will have to at least meet, if not, then it’s not happening. We can’t count gurgurte out yet.


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
Thanks to his actions, he lost two states JL and SWS.
We’ll see how it goes this time, there’s tension in the air with LG. It was just a week ago that Hassan planned to arrest him when he arrived to mogadishu. LG is confident no one will touch him. Time will tell, I’ll update this thread.


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
The meeting: it’s not going well for gurgurte. LG and madoobe remained firm on wanting to hold their own elections on their own terms, while gurgurte wants them to have a 1 year extension for the purpose of preparing their regions for 1m1v. After they do that, he wants them to conform to his constitution’s regional elections to be in line with 1m1v which they won’t oversee. They likely don’t want that as they both want to stay. IC wants all the regional governments to have their elections as soon as possible with no extensions and their currently questioning FGS’s abilities.

the reason why Hassan is listening to some of the FMS’s is because he needs at least 4 of the regional leaders to be meeting with him so that the IC doesn’t lose confidence in him. I think he still has a chance to pull this off but it’s really low, there’s a lot that can go wrong. For example, the mucaraad kheyre, A.A, the non factor farmaajo, sharif, and all the MP’s will be the first to make noise if he attempts an extension like he’s giving the FMS’s



Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
Kheyre speaks. Saying (not in order) that the extensions will disrupt the election timetable, when they are supposed to have happened awhile ago (back when deni did his). Next, that the our country facing imminent danger should focus on readying the country with all these leaders present. Finally, puntland’s absence creates uncertainty going forward.


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
Wasn't deni supposed to be included this time or am I missing something?
He is. Right now it’s a tug of war between him and FGS. He’s waiting for something to go wrong with the 4/5 FMS’s or the opposition already there so that IC think of Hassan an undiplomatic and Hassan is trying to trying to complete the process with just 4/5 FMS so that IC consider deni a spoiler. It looks like a harder path for the president.

Deni is supposed to be present but since he’s cut all relations to FGS since the constitution he no longer shows up. Like SL.

