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Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
The ocean water looks spectacular. I heard it's not safe to swim in the ocean because the locals dump waste in it!
Muslim people had to wash parts of your body 5 times a day. If there is not water use sand/Wet cloth. Just stay clean. Prophet Mohamed says"cleanest is part of faith"
The ocean water looks spectacular. I heard it's not safe to swim in the ocean because the locals dump waste in it!

I remember when I was in Boosaso beach, I witnessed a local washing his carpet, I was totally disgusted. I don't know if they do that in Mogadishu, but I can comfortably say that no one dumps waste in the famous known Lido beach, it's just too embarrassing, locals, diaspora's, business owners will look at you in disgust.
Somalia has three massive islands, the most gorgeous looking ones are the Bajuni Islands near Mogadishu and Kismayo. They even have ancient ruins.


Citizen of Southwest State
Who cares about human waste when it's full of radioactive waste? I wouldn't go anywhere near that water.


Citizen of Southwest State
The toxic waste dump is in the Puntland Region mainly in Eyl. That's why we saw the rise of pirates, companies dumping toxic waste, and illegal fishing.
Stop lying nigga. The whole Somali Indian Ocean coast was flooded with over 35 million tons of toxic waste.

Most pirates don't even come from PL, they're from coastal central Somalia. Places like Hobyo are infamous hubs of piracy.


♛♛ SSpot overlord ♛♛
Stop lying nigga. The whole Somali Indian Ocean coast was flooded with over 35 million tons of toxic waste.

Most pirates don't even come from PL, they're from coastal central Somalia. Places like Hobyo are infamous hubs of piracy.

wow I didn't know this. 35 million tons. interesting
Stop lying nigga. The whole Somali Indian Ocean coast was flooded with over 35 million tons of toxic waste.

Most pirates don't even come from PL, they're from coastal central Somalia. Places like Hobyo are infamous hubs of piracy.

I bet that you never set your foot in Somalia but spreading rumours


Citizen of Southwest State
wow I didn't know this. 35 million tons. interesting
Nigga forget the water, the land has been irreversibly contaminated as well.

It also prompted a large investigation in Italy, a former colonial power in Somalia. This concluded that around 35 million tonnes of waste had been exported to Somalia for only $6.6 billion, leading the environmental group Legambiente to assert Somalia’s inland waste dumps are ‘among the largest in the world’.
Stop lying nigga. The whole Somali Indian Ocean coast was flooded with over 35 million tons of toxic waste.

Most pirates don't even come from PL, they're from coastal central Somalia. Places like Hobyo are infamous hubs of piracy.

Relax, Surely if Mogadishu's waters where affected then Hassan's oil company (Soma Oil Gas) will file a complaint against toxic dumping companies and dispatch the navy. Pirates are in Puntland, and they doc the confiscated ships in Eyl. The areas affected by toxic dumping is the areas from Boosaso all the way to Hobyo.


Citizen of Southwest State
In 1997, in the Italian magazine Famiglia Cristiana, Greenpeace published a landmark investigation into the dumping, which showed that it started in the late 1980s, and exposed Swiss and Italian companies as brokers for the transportation of hazardous waste from Europe to dumps in Somalia. Subsequent research has also shown that the company employed physically to ship the waste was wholly owned by the Somali government.

When Somalia slipped into civil war in 1992, the waste exporters had to negotiate with local clan warlords, who demanded guns and ammunition to allow the dumping to continue. Many of the ships, having brought weapons or waste, then became trawlers, and left Somali waters with holds full of tuna for onward sale.

An investigation into the murder of the Italian journalist Ilaria Alpi in Somalia in 1994 quotes the warlord Boqor Musa as saying, ‘It is evident those ships carried military equipment for different factions involved in the civil war’, and it is widely believed that Alpi was assassinated because she had incontrovertible evidence of the guns-for-waste trade.

The Greenpeace report briefly made the news and was followed up by the European Green Party tabling a question in the European Parliament about ‘the dumping of toxic waste from German, French and Italian nuclear power plants and hospitals’ in Somalia.

The Boxing Day tsunami of 2004 served to reinvigorate interest in the continued dumping of hazardous waste in Somalia. Rusting tanks of unidentifiable ooze were washed up on to beaches; villagers began to die of unexplained illnesses and coastal ecosystems collapsed.

In 2005, the UN Development Programme (UNDP) concluded its own on-the-ground investigation in Somalia. Despite being stymied by local political interests and finding no tangible proof, it concluded that the ‘dumping of toxic and harmful waste is rampant in the sea, on the shores and in the hinterland’.

A year later the Somali multi-clan NGO Daryeel Bulsho Guud conducted its own survey. With greater local co-operation, it was able to identify 15 containers of ‘confirmed nuclear and chemical wastes’ in eight coastal areas.

None of this documented, factual evidence is true though right? I'm just spreading rumors...?:drakekidding:
None of this documented, factual evidence is true though right? I'm just spreading rumors...?:drakekidding:

This is how corruption even entered governments. Companies in Europe, are dumping the toxic waste, the EU (head office in Brussels Belgium) pardoned the companies and arrested the leader of the pirates, whose sole purpose was to fight the toxic waste companies.
Subject like this is very sensitive because it will affect a whole sector of Somalia economy and life of poor fishermen. Plz be careful with your numbers it is life of hunger Somalis.
Mohamed Abdi Hassan (Afweyne) - Kingpin of the Pirates.

In October 2013, he was put on trial in Brugge on charges of having allegedly masterminded the 2009 hijacking of the Belgian dredge vessel Pompei.
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