Most of Somalia is uncomfortably hot.


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
A lot of people underestimate just how hot Somalia is. You sort of forget how hot it can get in July. Looking at a map of Somalia's temperature, I was surprised to see that Puntland is actually on average cooler than southern Somalia. A lot of people just assume that less rainfall goes with hotter temperatures, but Puntland has higher altitude and that apparently makes a big difference.

Bari is actually cooler than most of Somalia!
:jaynerd: :wtf:

The problem is most people don't even have AC climate change is going to destroy us walahi
AC ?

High class hotels use fans in SL/Galbeed. Climate change will force us to move more into Ethiopia i believe. The droughts/Floods will further cull our population.


The problem is most people don't even have AC climate change is going to destroy us walahi
continuous ac use over decades is actually bad for the legs. its why when gulf arabs are old they are nowhere near as mobile as other waayeel like somalis.
continuous ac use over decades is actually bad for the legs. its why when gulf arabs are old they are nowhere near as mobile as other waayeel like somalis.
Yeah but our country is getting hotter and hotter which would be harder for us to live with it


AC ?

High class hotels use fans in SL/Galbeed. Climate change will force us to move more into Ethiopia i believe. The droughts/Floods will further cull our population.
Most offices/hotels/banks have AC in Koonfur. You can buy one but koroonto bill is gonna be :whew:


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
Bosasso is rather cold in the winter tho.

I had the misfortune of spending the christmas period (20th-30th Dec) in Bosasso once and I did not bring any jackets with me.

Place was real windy and could get chilly at night


Bantu Liberation Movement
Hafun is the only place I've seen be 21/70 degrees midday. It has a natural harbor as well. If it had water wells, it would be a perfect place to build a town. You can't be productive in temperatures above 23/73.


F*ck Your Feelings
Is that even correct? I thought Bosaso was like the hottest place? Half the population flee to garowe, Qardho and other cooler areas by April to get away from the heat for 3-4 months out the year. Me and my immediate family are the only ones crazy enough to stay behind. Fan is on 24/7 and A/C at night.


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
Bosaso is hell, Garoowe is like Galkayo
Garowe is somewhat cooler than Galkacyo.

Hafun is the only place I've seen be 21/70 degrees midday. It has a natural harbor as well. If it had water wells, it would be a perfect place to build a town. You can't be productive in temperatures above 23/73.

Hafun juts out into the cold Somali Current, it makes a lot of sense. What were you doing there?
Hafun is the only place I've seen be 21/70 degrees midday. It has a natural harbor as well. If it had water wells, it would be a perfect place to build a town. You can't be productive in temperatures above 23/73.

Hafun is getting a Desalination plant, so that's water sorted.

But what about rising sea levels? Is Hafun under threat of going underwater?
Because north is mountainous and dry with strong wind that dissipates heat better.

The south is humid and flat but has much bigger green cover and 2 permanent rivers.