Move out of the way Muhubo Fabolous and Ugaasssada ( they peanuts compare to this chick)

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Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Naalka haaaa laaa turn off we don't want to see faraxs.

Who's this girl? Is she Somali internet famous?

Shes a Chick that uploads sex education videos on Facebook and theyre 1 hour long talking about dont turn off the lights, dress sexy and shit
"Deetana waxad noqoneysaa beer la falay".

"Aroortiina lugaha isuma keeni kareysid, maadaama xaley lagu xagaaftay oo wax kaa weyn lagu dhex geliyay".

Loool :russ::dead:

PS: If she's that brave and confident to talk about such subjects, she should prepare better in advance and familiarize herself with the the topic she wants to talk about. Somali ladies need a revolution of ideas in that department.
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