Mudane Deni snubs Culusow meeting again


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.

Another Shirka Wasatashiga FMS and Dawlada Dhexe fails as PL refuses to attend in Baidoa. :mjlaugh:

Reer Muqdishu are urging HSM to punish Deni and use awood with Galmudug to attack now


truth is Puntland will be isolated, this is the 2nd president he is fighting with. last time the xalane mafia was supporting deni. don't think xalane mafia will support him this time.

Deni also has no backing from any other FMS. looks like laftagreen dropped him. ahmed madoobe himself is weak today and can't do much and it is the end of madoobe. Plus deni cannot even stand to look at Madoobe anymore.

so i say, this is cutting your nose to spite your face. culusow will win this battle. but culusow will be injured in the process which will effect the rest of his presidency.
we will sit back and watch from the sides. it is more likely abgaal would be in the front lines as cannon fodder
Beesha don’t fight outside their traditional lands. You’ll be damned before you see us anywhere south of Jazeera or North of xaradhere with a gun


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
truth is Puntland will be isolated, this is the 2nd president he is fighting with. last time the xalane mafia was supporting deni. don't think xalane mafia will support him this time.

Deni also has no backing from any other FMS. looks like laftagreen dropped him. ahmed madoobe himself is weak today and can't do much, looks like it is the end of madoobe. Plus deni cannot even stand to look at Madoobe anymore.

so i say, this is cutting your nose to spite your face. culusow will win this battle. but culusow will be injured in the process which will effect the rest of his presidency.
What can they do against Deni except send a few mooryans? The IC listens to Garowe’s input and will force Culusow to toe the line. He has been corrupted by HG Jinni, we need Eylian mingis to exorcise him


What can they do against Deni except send a few mooryans? The IC listens to Garowe’s input and will force Culusow to toe the line. He has been corrupted by HG Jinni, we need Eylian mingis to exorcise him

there is plenty of things culusow can do. all the things puntland use to accuse of farmaajo. culusow will actually do it. he will cause in insurection inside puntland. he will bring puntland oppisition leaders to mogadishu to form an alliance against deni. he will arm and fund galmudug to have a border skirmish with puntland. he will cause chaos inside gaalkacyo. just today a famous nabadoon was killed inside gaalkacyo puntland side. ciyaal weero have all of sudden appeared in gaalkacyo causing havoc.

culusow is a shaytaan



Marexan only agree to an attack if it involves the blessed lands of kuumade. :p

If we fight you for garrisa and fiiq then you can say that. But your a foreigner in kismaayo and came there in 2011 with the kdf. Your time is over. The owners have had enough and are coming back.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
there is plenty of things culusow can do. all the things puntland use to accuse of farmaajo. culusow will actually do it. he will cause in insurection inside puntland. he will bring puntland oppisition leaders to mogadishu to form an alliance against deni. he will arm and fund galmudug to have a border skirmish with puntland. he will cause chaos inside gaalkacyo. just today a famous nabadoon was killed inside gaalkacyo puntland side. ciyaal weero have all of sudden appeared in gaalkacyo causing havoc.

culusow is a shaytaan

Ileen Culusow wa Bahal in la qabto waaye Nabadoon Majeerteen mala dilay durba :damn:

Somali Saayid

Frm President of Somalia, MP for Life, Cheese Love
If we fight you for garrisa and fiiq then you can say that. But your a foreigner in kismaayo and came there in 2011 with the kdf. Your time is over. The owners have had enough and are coming back.
It's sad to see refugees acting like they own the place when they came with KDF xoog.
Waa yaab.


truth is Puntland will be isolated, this is the 2nd president he is fighting with. last time the xalane mafia was supporting deni. don't think xalane mafia will support him this time.

Deni also has no backing from any other FMS. looks like laftagreen dropped him. ahmed madoobe himself is weak today and can't do much and it is the end of madoobe. Plus deni cannot even stand to look at Madoobe anymore.

so i say, this is cutting your nose to spite your face. culusow will win this battle. but culusow will be injured in the process which will effect the rest of his presidency.
The problem Deni has is, HSM is very close to the IC unlike Farmaajo. And like you say Deni is also isolated, already suffering from internal opposition and HSM has a few cards to play.

4 things IC wants. Constitution completed. 1m1v elections. Centralisation. SL talks.

HSM doesn’t mind doing the first three without SL. His idea like most HAG politicians is to centralise Somalia, bringing PL under the control of the FGS, and then negotiating with SL on union.

For Deni/PL this will be a major loss. PL will be outside of the negotiation table in Somalia and SL talks and regulated to the status of other FMS’s.


The problem Deni has is, HSM is very close to the IC unlike Farmaajo. And like you say Deni is also isolated, already suffering from internal opposition and HSM has a few cards to play.

4 things IC wants. Constitution completed. 1m1v elections. Centralisation. SL talks.

HSM doesn’t mind doing the first three without SL. His idea like most HAG politicians is to centralise Somalia, bringing PL under the control of the FGS, and then negotiating with SL on union.

For Deni/PL this will be a major loss. PL will be outside of the negotiation table in Somalia and SL talks and regulated to the status of other FMS’s.

The international community is big. Farmaajo was close with China, Russia, Qatar, ethiopia, Eritrea.

The problem is deni is close with kenya, UAE, Britain. Basically all the countries that are also close with culusow and would back culusow over deni who has less the 1 year left in his presidency. Culusow will win the fight but deni will scratch him in the process. So it won't be a clean fight where culusow comes out unscathed.

As for sl somalia talks laasacaanood made that irrelevant. Somaliland lost politically. Anyway interesting times ahead. This also shows how somali politics is not mature both of them where allies to get rid of farmaajo. Now farmaajo is gone. Deni and culusow are bitter enemies.

They had nothing in common other then farmaajo. Which shows you how immature somali politics is. Their opposition was not based on ideals or philosophy but based on personal grievances.
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Deni is refusing to come because HSM sent his Majeerteen gudi back to Garowe empty-handed after they made the dumbest suggestions for reprimands. :deadrose: A military front opening from GM on Deni could be disastrous he should not play reckless football on this court.


Garaadka Guud ee Beesha Calaamka
For Deni/PL this will be a major loss. PL will be outside of the negotiation table in Somalia and SL talks and regulated to the status of other FMS’s.
Deni is in the midst of completing transparent 1M1V elections in Puntland. This will be the first democratic direct election on Somali soil in over 60 years, that will win him and his successor a near endless amount of goodwill with int’l partners. You won’t be able to beat him that way.


The international community is big. Farmaajo was close with China, Russia, Qatar, ethiopia, Eritrea.

The problem is deni is close with kenya, UAE, Britain. Basically all the countries that are also close with culusow and would back culusow over deni who has less the 1 year left in his presidency. Culusow will win the fight but deni will scratch him in the process. So it won't be a clean fight where culusow comes out unscathed.

As for sl somalia talks laasacaanood made that irrelevant. Somaliland lost politically. Anyway interesting times ahead. This also shows how somali politics is not mature both of them where allies to get rid of farmaajo. Now farmaajo is gone. Deni and culusow are bitter enemies.

They had nothing in common other then farmaajo. Which shows you how immature somali politics is. Their opposition was not based on ideals or philosophy but based on personal grievances.
There’s no point mentioning China, Russia etc. they have little influence on Somalia. Somalia is a western project and anyone who loses the support of America is finished politically. The politicians in the country are completely reliant on America’s aid money. Moment you threaten that, then you lose all support like Farmaajo saw happen to him when we were sanctioned by American donors. America even bullied Qatar into refusing to pay for the Eritrean troops to return. This meant his plan to use these troops to hold his fixed elections failed.

UN, IMF, World Bank, NGOs etc all push US backed reforms on Somalia. Here’s one of the things Deni is against. The FGS taking over the federal courts of the member states. Gets a big endorsement before the NCC meeting in Baydhabo.

HSM has halted 17 World Bank projects in PL according to Fahad’s media. He wouldn’t be able to do this had he not had this support.
You’re right about one thing tho and that is ticking on Deni. As it becomes clear he can’t be re-elected the more support he loses.
Deni is refusing to come because HSM sent his Majeerteen gudi back to Garowe empty-handed after they made the dumbest suggestions for reprimands. :deadrose: A military front opening from GM on Deni could be disastrous he should not play reckless football on this court.
That would be dumb on galmudug punt land doesn’t have shabab on their back. Shabab is already sieging galmudug towns it would be a disaster.


Bantu Liberation Movement

Another Shirka Wasatashiga FMS and Dawlada Dhexe fails as PL refuses to attend in Baidoa. :mjlaugh:

Reer Muqdishu are urging HSM to punish Deni and use awood with Galmudug to attack now
Who's gonna make us come?
