Mufti Menk Controversy


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
So is meeting with a Jew for dinner haram now?

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) had a jewish neighbor who used to throw trash at his door every day. He remained patient and did not do anything. One day he noticed that there was no trash at his door, so he went to check on his neighbor who turned out to be sick. She asked him how did he know that she was sick and he said because there was no trash at his door that day, so the woman was so touched that she accepted Islam.
So is meeting with a Jew for dinner haram now?

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) had a jewish neighbor who used to throw trash at his door every day. He remained patient and did not do anything. One day he noticed that there was no trash at his door, so he went to check on his neighbor who turned out to be sick. She asked him how did he know that she was sick and he said because there was no trash at his door that day, so the woman was so touched that she accepted Islam.
The problem is he is an agent of Israel and an ardent Zionist and this is about normalizing the occupation, it is not that he is a Jew. You know that.

So is meeting with a Jew for dinner haram now?

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) had a jewish neighbor who used to throw trash at his door every day. He remained patient and did not do anything. One day he noticed that there was no trash at his door, so he went to check on his neighbor who turned out to be sick. She asked him how did he know that she was sick and he said because there was no trash at his door that day, so the woman was so touched that she accepted Islam.
That story is a fabrication


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
The problem is he is an agent of Israel and an ardent Zionist and this is about normalizing the occupation, it is not that he is a Jew. You know that.

Thats messed up then, I hope he doesnt have bad intention hes a good sheikh
I like mufti, i hope this is all misunderstanding
It’s all a misunderstanding. You know how stupid cancel culture can be. You just happen to be confused and end up in a controversial situation and people be spreading all sorts of fake rumours about you.


The Muslim Skeptic

I just posted a short reaction to Mufti Menk's so-called "clarification." Here are a few points that didn't fit in the video:

1. He didn't clarify or explain anything. He just described what everyone already knew. What was missing from his clarification was an acknowledgment of the *meaning* and *significance* of sitting with a chief zionist at what was essentially a PR event for Israel normalization. How does he justify this? Does he feel no shame?

2. This was not the first time Menk has done something like this. Just 6 months ago, he was at the marriage celebration held by some pro-India politicians in Kashmir. He did not apologize, let alone explain anything then either.

3. To make matters worse, rather than acknowledge his mistake and apologize, Menk has the audacity to accuse his critics of having bad intentions for calling him out!

4. Menk's statement of solidarity with Palestine rings hollow when he is dining with their oppressors. What is amazing is we have yet to see him unequivocally condemn Israel. All he does is make generic statements about how he is so sad about "what is happening" and "wants peace." This is not enough.

5. No one is questioning Menk's intention, since only Allah knows that. But his intentions are irrelevant. We judge by what is apparent and his apparent actions have caused damage to the cause of Palestinians, which is the cause of the Ummah. He is accountable for that, whether he wants to accept that or not.
