muh shekels


blm xaalimo
It's inpossible Israel wasn't aware of what was about to happen at their border. They are very good at orchestrating tragedy.

Internet Nomad

It's inpossible Israel wasn't aware of what was about to happen at their border. They are very good at orchestrating tragedy.

Israel apperently had knowledge about this a year before.

They are a deeply paranoid people they wouldn’t have brushed this under the rug.

I think they used their own people as a sacrifice for their goals.

Israel apperently had knowledge about this a year before.

Theare a deeply paranoid people they wouldn’t have brushed this under the rug.

I think they used their own people as a sacrifice for their goals.
View attachment 306202
Kind of like 9/11

Internet Nomad

Kind of like 9/11
Some even say AH was pushed by jews to create a reason for to create Israel and all the jews to flee to Israel.

Because AH was irrationally focused on Jews as he was fighting multiple fronts and still had time to meticulously torture them.
Some even say AH was pushed by jews to create a reason for to create Israel and all the jews to flee to Israel.

Because AH was irrationally focused on Jews as he was fighting multiple fronts and still had time to meticulously torture them.
Perhaps, but I don't believe it is a good idea for people to get too hung up on this concept of "Jews owning the financial world". Even if its 100% true (which I'm inclined to believe), I think it fosters a defeatist mindset. Like why bother if they're an unstoppable elite, you know?