Multiculturalism has failed

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Canada and the USA and Australia are pretty multicultural and I don't see anything wrong with it.

Quit talking out of your ass.
My main gripe is with ghettoisation and underlying feelings of dislike of the 'host' community. I think people can carry on eating their own food, speaking their own language, having their own religions, providing they don't ghettoise themselves or refuse to assimilate into the culture around them. Or worse, hate western culture.
There is a huge problem in regards to ghettoized communities in the west. But there are also many examples of those that practice multiculturalism without being dickheads. Many people here are probably good examples of the latter.
The US and Canada were founded on multiculturalism and it hasn't failed. It has only failed in Europe.

Before 1965 almost all the immigrants to the United States were of European descent. Integrating them was easy due to shared Western origin (Judeo-Christian values yada yada).
Canada and the USA and Australia are pretty multicultural and I don't see anything wrong with it.

Quit talking out of your ass.

Australia used to have a White Australia policy until relatively recently (1970s).

Now they are having issues with Asians since the White Australia policy was lifted.


Suldaanka Gobyare
There is the African American and Native American culture too. Do you want them to get stripped off their identity too?
Multiculturalism only works if you're from a tolerant society . Try having a Muslim mini state like Bradford or Marseille tolerate two gay men kissing or holding hands in public. I'm willing to bet it would be a considerable risk to do such a thing. Or how about trying it in a mostly Syrian refugee area in Germany? Most of those people have zero respect for western values and accepting different points of views. How is multiculturalism supposed to work in such circumstances? Not to mention that multiculturalism itself suggests a certain degree of moral relativism. Is the west supposed to tolerate FGM because its cultural for ex? Cultural values can only be fine when they do not infringe upon the rights of others.
A troll character with the username Sayid Gurey seems to be stalking me, only to dislike each and every one of my comments. Of course like all sensitive religious crybabies he hasn't made a single rebuttal to any of the things I've said. Its quite entertaining actually. I like it when I make people like him uneasy.
A troll character with the username Sayid Gurey seems to be stalking me, only to dislike each and every one of my comments. Of course like all sensitive religious crybabies he hasn't made a single rebuttal to any of the things I've said. Its quite entertaining actually. I like it when I make people like him uneasy.

im glad it made you butthurt i thought you might not have noticed.
Multiculturalism only works if you're from a tolerant society . Try having a Muslim mini state like Bradford or Marseille tolerate two gay men kissing or holding hands in public. I'm willing to bet it would be a considerable risk to do such a thing. Or how about trying it in a mostly Syrian refugee area in Germany? Most of those people have zero respect for western values and accepting different points of views. How is multiculturalism supposed to work in such circumstances? Not to mention that multiculturalism itself suggests a certain degree of moral relativism. Is the west supposed to tolerate FGM because its cultural for ex? Cultural values can only be fine when they do not infringe upon the rights of others.

Obviously it could only work if there exists mutual respect between the different cultures and they agree to disagree.

Growing up in Toronto, I've been exposed to gay people my entire life...and I've learned to live and let live. So long as they don't infringe on my private life, I won't have any issue with what they do in their lives. I can see homosexuality as morally wrong, in the same way I see drinking alcohol or committing Zina as morally repugnant, but that doesn't mean we should infringe on their private lives
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