Muslim population in Europe in 2050! Redditors freak out!

No migration scenario


Medium migration scenario


High migration scenario


Keep it a boqol

“Live as if everything is rigged in your favour”
When you don’t want black and brown people in your country but you need them for the countries labour force because western nations birth rates are plummeting
And you wreck their countries and steal their resources but take in some of their people to make your western moral superiority happy
not really a valid reason since ireland and sweden are full of immigrants but they haven't colonized places

i do kind of feel sorry for the europeans, seeing your people slowly die out in numbers while ethnics practically own your nations capital

but they also deserve it for becoming secular and losing all their culture
They’re apart of the EU. They all benefit from other Europeans keeping Africa undeveloped. They chose to be in that organization.
Being in the EU doesn't mean immigrants are heading to your country.

Poland, romania, bulgaria, and hungary barely have any immigrants despite being safe countries in the EU

the reason why these countries have migrants is because of their own soft immigration policies


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
France is already at 20% Muslim population.

The government underreports their Muslim numbers, it’s a well known fact in France.
They’re apart of the EU. They all benefit from other Europeans keeping Africa undeveloped. They chose to be in that organization.
I think Sweden did, but Norway is as innocent as can be (they're not a member of the EU nor did they took any part of colonisation) yet they're one of the most accepting European countries when it comes to immigration.


🇺🇸 PROUD MURICAN!!! Hamitic Horner Race
in none of these does Spain become Al-Andalus again 😞

anyways, I am not cheering or excited... I worry that this will be the breeding ground for a weird "liberal Islam"... but somehow twenty times worse than the "liberal Islam" of today... for that is the nature of liberalism, it is a progressive disease just like cancer

I believe this "liberal Islam" of the future will be degenerate in ways we can not yet imagine.... Yasir Qadhi will be like a conservative elder of past generations to them... they will solemnly invoke his name a they deliver their jummah khutbah in praise of transgenders.... the conventional opinion will be that a three-person marriage between a human, an animal and the human's sibling is permissible.... the conservative view will rail against three-person marriage, arguing that a person can marry their sibling or an animal but not both.... the orthodox view will be that intercourse on the sidewalk is permissible, the conservative view will be that it is permissible but is has to be under a sheet or something... the liberals of our time will rest easily knowing they themselves didn't give these weird opinions, they will only have laid the groundwork for such a direction...
Who knows? This may turn out for the better instead of that dreary future!

Omar del Sur

Who knows? This may turn out for the better instead of that dreary future!

yes, I deleted my post because I felt it was too pessimistic... I am glad to have described my concern but... in reality I think there will sort of be different factions of European Muslims... I believe some really will be sort of like what I was describing but I believe others will resist... however I believe the conservative backlash will be mostly male, the ones pushing for deeper liberal depravity will be mostly women... huge numbers of men will go along to please the women... and the ever-more-extreme liberal element will win, with there being some pockets of resistance... that is my theory

Omar del Sur

also alternatively I think it's possible Europe has some sort of collapse, goes in a Hitler type direction and then purges its Muslim population but large numbers of Muslims are simply expelled and able to safely leave

