Muslim woman attacked and beaten by 2 white men in Toronto

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lol @ you dont belong here. Cadaan people are a visible minority in flemo park, so many fuckin brown and somali people live there. How did this even happen smh


First the mosque attack, and now this. I thought Canada was.....nvm.

Right because the actions of a small ignorant minority should represent the entire population :childplease:

It's not like some other European countries where there are anti-islam and anti-immigration protests going on.

Oh btw that mosque attack, some gaalo person started a fundraiser for them and they exceeded their 80k goal to fix repairs by 20k with a overwhelmingly large support from the local community. They raised around 100k for that mosque mashallah.

There's always going to be people that do this type of fuckery and their actions are always going to be on blast, because the media never reports uplifting stories..only the ones that generate ratings and controversy. Which is perhaps why 90% of people have probably never even heard of that fundraiser for the mosque and yet they still raised more than enough money on such short notice.

Canada is actullay very lenient on immigirants. Even after the Paris attacks, our new PM is standing by his election promise to bring in 25,000 before 2016. That's fucking ridicilous no way he gets that done but it shows the type of immigiration policies Canada has.

People in Canada right now are very worried about bringing in 25k Syrian immigrants, understandably so given recent events. Including me. We aren't worried about the masakin refugees, but the terrorists and ISIS sleeper cells masquerading as refugees. There is virtually no legitimate way to safely and securely screen and process 25,000 refugees in 6 weeks..idk wtf our PM is thinking.

I remember this being filmed in my city too right after a Muslim stormed our capitol building and killed a guard on duty.

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Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
@syntax I'm fucking with Canadians, I think they good people. But I don't think Canadian white people are more or less open minded and tolerant than British whites and Germans (yes I'm aware of PEGIDA) but for every extremist right wing group there are 10 anti racist group in Europe. I was in Germany when hundreds of thousands of refugees entered the country and overwhelming majority of Germans were supportive and welcoming.

Also, there's a higher influx of Muslim immigrants in Europe hence they are more agitated and anxious.


@syntax I'm fucking with Canadians, I think they good peope. But I don't think Canadian white people are more or less open minded and tolerant British whites and Germans (yes I'm aware of PEGIDA) but for every extremist right wing group there are 10 anti racist group in Europe.

Also, there's a higher influx of Muslim immigrants in Europe hence they are more agitated and anxious.

Idk either. From my purely anectodal experience, I haven't had any problems with cadaans in the past 5-10 years. My italian neighbour is a real ass nigga...every friday during iftar he'd invite us for BBQ and he'd go out of his way to buy halal burgers and hotdogs. I think the amount of normal and nice muslims/cadaan/gaalo people heavily outweigh the fuckboys. But their called terrorists for a reason and they are doing a hella of a good job at instilling fear and terror into everyones heart these days
Somalis in Europe have to deal with extremist racist right wing political parties like the BNP and Swedish Democrats that have a chance at forming governments. Some of those parties are already the largest opposition

Very sad.
Shia women in Iraq and Syria are savagely raped and killed in their own countries for being Shia so what's your point? Sunni men who don't follow IS' or Al Shabab extremist ideology are beheaded in their own ancestral towns

You're talking about petty theft and a minor assault.
Waiting for when one of @Abdijohns's sisters to get attacked and mauled...would like to know how much he will bend over and continue bootyclapping for western culture.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Shia women in Iraq and Syria are savagely raped and killed in their own countries for being Shia so what's your point? Sunni men who don't follow IS' or Al Shabab extremist ideology are beheaded in their own ancestral towns

You're talking about petty theft and a minor assault.
Al shabab and IS don't claim to be the bastions of freedom and equality, while the West does so that is a very poor example
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