My abuse story

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No not my abuse story but his:

I've seen his face on youtube a number of times. He's kinda famous for his vlogs. Anyway he was part of an abusive relationship in which he was beaten, I think once and this is his story. What do you guys think of it?

Wallahi it made me laugh. I can't ever imagine a Somali guy sharing something like this, or even allowing something like this to happen in the first place. Smh


These top tier youtubers with millions of subscribers make millions of dollars. f*ck 'em. Who cares about their problems, they have more than enough money for a therapist.

Queen Carawelo

This is sad. I don't know how I should feel about this. One hand I sympathize with him because abuse in relationship is the worst thing that could happen to someone, imagine the person you love and want to spend the rest of your life treating you unjustly. Living in fear every single day, hoping they wouldn't strike you again. But............ My Somali side is laughing and thinking what kind of man, gets abused by a woman especially a Starbucks drinking bimbo. What happened? Did you get her real milk instead of soy in her latte? Loooooool, his friends should tell him to man the f*ck up.

Queen Carawelo

Wallahi I'm being serious when I say but thank Allah for my faraaxs. Skinny faraaxs don't take Shit from anyone, even the 140 lbs Faraax will fight with a 6'6 230 lbs football player if that football player talked shit. :hemad::banderas:
This is sad. I don't know how I should feel about this. One hand I sympathize with him because abuse in relationship is the worst thing that could happen to someone, imagine the person you love and want to spend the rest of your life treating you unjustly. Living in fear every single day, hoping they wouldn't strike you again. But............ My Somali side is laughing and thinking what kind of man, gets abused by a woman especially a Starbucks drinking bimbo. What happened? Did you get her real milk instead of soy in her latte? Loooooool, his friends should tell him to man the f*ck up.

If I could like this comment 12 times I would. Abuse is wrong in a relationship, only cowards hit women and normally that's how abuse in a relationship goes; a man abusing a woman. But this guy loool at first I thought he's gotta be gay but no he's getting slapped up by a woman! I blame society, it's producing wayyy to many effeminate guys.

Queen Carawelo

If I could like this comment 12 times I would. Abuse is wrong in a relationship, only cowards hit women and normally that's how abuse in a relationship goes; a man abusing a woman. But this guy loool at first I thought he's gotta be gay but no he's getting slapped up by a woman! I blame society, it's producing wayyy to many effeminate guys.
I think cadaans were always like this when the 1970s rolled up. I understand if it was play fighting and she remembered couple of foul things he did so she punched him for real but said she was only playing but my God this man is crying with snot bubbles and all.
To cry about it to the whole world is just shameful. Some people will do anything for the limelight/exposure. The comments are full of sympathy though lool so I guess it worked


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Domestic violence is no joke and I agree with him it has no gender. I know guys who suffered from abusive marriage and they are somali. It's not about how tough you are when it comes to dealing with the person you thought was your soul mate.
Domestic violence is no joke and I agree with him it has no gender. I know guys who suffered from abusive marriage and they are somali. It's not about how tough you are when it comes to dealing with the person you thought was your soul mate.

Were they physically abused? Abuse doesn't have to be physical but physical abuse is what he's on about. It was the first time he'd ever been hit in his life; kinda explains his reaction.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Were they physically abused? Abuse doesn't have to be physical but physical abuse is what he's on about. It was the first time he'd ever been hit in his life; kinda explains his reaction.

Physical abuse. One time he pushed her after she tried to grab his balls and she called the police on him.
My relative's wife was psycho although she wasn't diagnosed but she was crazy it's true when they say you don’t really know someone until you live with them. They were newly wed and that was the only reason why he didn't want to divorce her but ended up divorcing her after 4 months of marriage.

We knew there was a problem in his marriage but we used to put the blame on him, that he is a stuck up and trying to control and manipulate her life.
Physical abuse. One time he pushed her after she tried to grab his balls and she called the police on him.
My relative's wife was psycho although she wasn't diagnosed but she was crazy it's true when they say you don’t really know someone until you live with them. They were newly wed and that was the only reason why he didn't want to divorce her but ended up divorcing her after 4 months of marriage.

We knew there was a problem in his marriage but we used to put the blame on him, that he is a stuck up and trying to control and manipulate her life.

That's insane. Slighty funny, but insane. I hope he didn't spend too much money on her though such a waste if it's over in 4 months. Never rush into marriage


Keeping it Real Since 01/01/90
A girl hit him..

The chick was psycho and androgynous. But nigga just lost his manhood crying over it.

Queen Carawelo

This is the woman who abused him.





She challenged him to a lie detector test live on her channel for both of them to take.
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