My educated guess of SOMALIA 20 years from now

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President - Sexaholics Anonymous, Ohio chapter
Somaliland still Unrecognized

Oil is now 80 percent of Somalia's annual revenue

60 percent of diaspora folks have returned

One of Mogadishu's biggest concern is the hordes of neighboring Africans illegal immigration into SOMALIA

Mogadishu boasts 7 major factories that employ 100k and they are the following

Pasta factory



Canned food products

Huge Meat processing for shipment

Female hygenic products

Ice cream factory

High cases of blood pressure, cancer, diabetes and cholesterol will be the ultimate killer

High quality schools

Good health system that only money will buy

10 tycoons will appear

10% of the population will be gaal

Khaniis will not be still tolerated

Somali airlines will have 9 hubs internationaly ..Jedda ..Dubai ..Nairobi..Frankfurt ...Rome ...London...Mnneapolis....Toronto..Beijing

Somali will have 300k standing army

Itl easily buy 15 of the latest fighter jets from China..

Itl buy 10 type of state of the art navy ships from Sweden

After exhausting all peaceful means to bring back Somaliland into the fold itl invade her by sea, land and Air. After 3 months of fighting SOMALIA will capture all of Somaliland, Somaliland had to accept defeat bc after all these years it only accumulated obsolete weapons while SOMALIA bought deadly weapons with new found petro dollars. Somaliland army will go back in the hinterlands to wage another 10 years of gorilla warfare.

Then again SOMALIA will collapse. A civil war will breakout that will last another 45 years.

Then an unknown disease will appear from the town of Jilib and will wipeout the Somali race. No scientist would know the cure for it. This disease will come about from the decades old curse that the Somali Madows have send upon the Somalis for degrading them
Delusional! Not a thing will change and if any changes occurit will be for the worse. More landgrapping by Kenya ans Ethiopia. More tahriib, assasinations, an extremist terrorist grouos.


Somalia will be the next Iraq & Afghanistan.

The CIA will plan a false flag attack in the US similar to 9/11 and have the boogeyman hail from Somalia so that the American military–industrial complex has a new country to invade (Somalia).
When they find oil, corruption will be much worse. Our leaders will be selling oil for a weekend at
a Chinese, Russian or American brothel.

Larger terrorists organizations will pop up and maybe a civil war.


We're in half time the civil war never ended the next phase of the civil war will be as big as the start of the civil instead of happening mainly in south somalia it would be fought mainly in the north
It would be called the federal government vs states in another words hawiye vs none hawiye of course this is not completely true some none hawiye sub clans will side with hawiye:ulachen001:
In the end I expect the states to lose and be back to central government:gunsmiley:
Menace, don't fool yourself into thinking that the diaspora Somalis will ever return to Somalia.

It's just not gonna happen. The Somalis who live in Canada/USA will spend the rest of their lives there, including your parents and habaryars. Their children and grandchildren will stay in North America as well.

And regarding Somaliland's attempt at secession; honestly it's all up in the air. From my experience, the Somalilander youth are even more pro-secession than even their parents. I honestly see little possibility of Somaliland rejoining the union, and each passing year confirms that to me.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
We gonna reconcile become a trading empire and da only first world country in Africa



President - Sexaholics Anonymous, Ohio chapter

I'm curious about those two industries the most, specially tourism. In fact, my uncle and his colleagues are talking about it lately.

They are better off going to the casino with it ...waar meeshani is nowhere near stable
Either Somalia is still in civil war or it becomes like most of the corrupted African countries.

As for Somaliland, they're lucky that Somalis are not ruthless as they once were. Somali army will never invade fellow Somaliland.
If you wanna know where Somalia will be 20 years from now, just look at the mentality of Somalis on the net (because of its anonymity), starting with this very forum. Somalis will divide among themselves even more, the neighboring countries will claim more and more of our lands and sea, and many more foreign powers will have direct intervention in the affairs of the mini states for their own interests. Even some of the currently formed clan unions will fragment into smaller groups and would wanna be independent etc etc.

Somalia is dead and done. Make sure to establish a better future plan in the country you reside now.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Why you gotta come in here and depress us wit da sobern reality breh its Saturday night

If you wanna know where Somalia will be 20 years from now, just look at the mentality of Somalis on the net (because of its anonymity), starting with this very forum. Somalis will divide among themselves even more, the neighboring countries will claim more and more of our lands and sea, and many more foreign powers will have direct intervention in the affairs of the mini states for their own interests. Even some of the currently formed clan unions will fragment into smaller groups and would wanna be independent etc etc.

Somalia is dead and done. Make sure to establish a better future plan in the country you reside now.

I predict Somalia will be split into several smaller states in the future if the civil war continues at its current pace.
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