My experience with Somali s

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Here's a little story.

I was traveling to Hargiessa from jigjiga to see my uncle. My family hired a taxi to take me there. Travelling with me was a Somali . This lady married a guy who worked at the UN and later divorced him when the payroll slowed down.

Anyways I exchanged $50 into Hargiessa cash and got shit loads of money returned. However I quickly found out the money was mostly useless, for example a stack could only get you lunch. Completely uselessly currency but got me feeling wealthy.:russ:

I got in the car with this lady and she said "we are going to use your money to buy us lunch and pay the border officers". :wtfguccimane:

We got stopped more than 5 times on the way and I had to pay each border police officers his qaad money.

By the time I got to Hargiessa 2/3 of my money was gone, I was 15 yrs old back then. How could a 30-something year old woman exploit a young kid for his money?

She kept stroking my hair asking me what subjects I learn at school, she was trying to get me to loosen up into giving her my money, tactics, I fell for it. This is just one of the many experiences I had with Somali s.

Another one was when I was 5 I brought a bag of chips, this teenage girl sat on my lap and started eating my chips. When the chips finished she casually got up and walked over to her friends and started having a conversation.

Looking back at the situation I don't know whether to laugh or be angry about it. :mjkkk:
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