My family have mental health problems

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And I'm just here trying to keep my head high by holding on to my own conscious, dealing with my own problems.

Imagine living with a family who all are clinically depressed and deny it. To them depression is a character flaw not an illness.

This made me stressed and depressed out of my mind. However this pain that I feel almost everyday, is going to make me become great.


Does mental illness run in your family?
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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
I think if you muse over the situation ponder, you'll come to the conclusion that you're the one who's suffering from mental illness. The reason why you're probably suffering is due to being a gaal & eating pork contain maggots & other dangerous bacteria which in turn affect the brain.


. . .
And I'm just here trying to keep my head high by holding on to my own conscious, dealing with my own problems.

Imagine living with a family who all are clinically depressed and deny it. To them depression is a character flaw not an illness.

This made me stressed and depressed out of my mind. However this pain that I feel almost everyday, is going to make me become great.


Does mental illness run in your family?
Return to Allah. Pray for them and everyone suffering from a mental illness
Yaw I feel ya brother.
Yeah I have one uncle he was my favorite.
I used to meet him a lot and I had very good memories with him. He was a cool one. Used to take me everywhere.
He changed a bit when I moved to another far country and I haven't seen him sinced. I am still in contact with him sometimes . Years have passed and I haven't met him.
I want to support him but I can't right now. I feel he is being left out. It is so depressing. He still my favorite.:friendhug:
I will see you soon.


Yaw I feel ya brother.
Yeah I have one uncle he was my favorite.
I used to meet him a lot and I had very good memories with him. He was a cool one. Used to take me everywhere.
He changed a bit when I moved to another far country and I haven't seen him sinced. I am still in contact with him sometimes . Years have passed and I haven't met him.
I want to support him but I can't right now. I feel he is being left out. It is so depressing. He still my favorite.:friendhug:
I will see you soon.
:kendrickcry: I know that feel.


. . .
Because it was a terrible advice. Religion is one of the reasons why I'm OCD state.
I'm genuinely curious as to why you hate religion. Weren't u raised in an Islamic environment by an Islamic family? What made you change?
:kendrickcry: I know that feel.
I feel our family members who are suffering from mental problems should get support. It saddens me when I see someone being left out and considered a failure because he is suffering from mental issues.:snoop:
Have you seen how some are shackled back in motherland. You should see their conditions :kendrickcry:
Very unacceptable :kendrickcry:
:lol: gotta love somalis. They went through a war and have been displaced to every corner of the world and yet dont believe its going to have an impact on their psyche? Every system will become defective at some point. Somehow its easier for a somalis to understand this in case of most organ diseases exept for taboo parts (genitals/brains etc.). There should be more eduction on these on somali media.

religion can be protective of stress and help deal with loss etc. but its not a solution for mental illness. Dont be an asshole to your fellow muslim and tell them to go to their doctor while still advicing them to read more guran. thanks.
And I'm just here trying to keep my head high by holding on to my own conscious, dealing with my own problems.

Imagine living with a family who all are clinically depressed and deny it. To them depression is a character flaw not an illness.

This made me stressed and depressed out of my mind. However this pain that I feel almost everyday, is going to make me become great.


Does mental illness run in your family?

Take your medication and try to solve your problems, stay strong. This modern life is so stressful.
I think I'm one of those post war baby's, my mum had me just after the 1991 somali war. I think I adapted some of her anxiety and stress.

sorry to hear that. parental modelling can become problematic if the parent has any problem (even non-mental). i feel for most of the post war generation. have you ever heard of a somali being praised for becoming a psychiatrist, psychologist or any (social) worker that deals with mental health issues? I take youre in a western nation? the effect of being a somali in a western white nation alone has psychological effects beyond the scope of average people. The average somali family in the west has their children growing up with an extended list of stressor conserning their mental outlook in adulthood. avoiding the issue wont make it go away.

i might make a thread on this subject in the near future. get help and surround yourself with people that are willing to help you improve your situation.
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