My next project for backhome

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Mashallah bro:qri8gs7:, I was thinking the same. I mean why not the urban poor of Somalia not make their houses of mud bricks as they are durable, cheap, sustainable and can be locally sourced. They also are better in terms of regulating heat and cold in a house. Instead I've been hearing they build iron sheet houses that don't protect against the heat/cold and aren't as good as mud. Always wondered why not build mud houses/towers like the ones of Yemen.


@GeKo You mean the famous the mud brick villages of Wadi Hadramaut. They are indeed legendary. The reason is Somali nomads are lazy bums, if they got off their assess they could have built like this as well or even better from their own sandy soils.



USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
If the buildings weren't low/med rise I could comfortably say that my tool was bigger.
@GeKo You mean the famous the mud brick villages of Wadi Hadramaut. They are indeed legendary. The reason is Somali nomads are lazy bums, if they got off their assess they could have built like this as well or even better from their own sandy soils.

Yes those are the ones. They think they're too prestige to do any manual labor and make fun of those that do. The nomadic thinking has made them lazy minded and needs to be discarded. Btw are you in civil eng? What's your occupation?


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
Yes those are the ones. They think they're too prestige to do any manual labor and make fun of those that do. The nomadic thinking has made them lazy minded and needs to be discarded. Btw are you in civil eng?

I know many belittle manual work but I am sure that if you promised a young man $100 dollars a day they would definitely work day and night. The Somali community in Australia is starting to see the benefit of skilled trades like bricklaying, carpentry and the sort. They actually pay more than profession. If these jobs paid well in Somalia I am definite that youths would start picking up shovels and start mixing mortar.


@GeKo I studied mechanical engineering. Also did a short construction course as a hobby. True but if they don't build
their own villages with their own hands it will forever remain shitty.
I know many belittle manual work but I am sure that if you promised a young man $100 dollars a day they would definitely work day and night. The Somali community in Australia is starting to see the benefit of skilled trades like bricklaying, carpentry and the sort. They actually pay more than profession. If these jobs paid well in Somalia I am definite that youths would start picking up shovels and start mixing mortar.
Even if it didn't pay too well it's still something. Beggers can't be choosers. There are some who've realised that though and are making money from things like barber. But I did hear of case in PL where a minority clan known for blacksmith/manual labor would be looked down upon, funny thing was that they ended up being one of the wealthier clans :mjswag:and others are rethinking :cosbyhmm:


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
Even if it didn't pay too well it's still something. Beggers can't be choosers. There are some who've realised that though and are making money from things like barber. But I did hear of case in PL where a minority clan known for blacksmith/manual labor would be looked down upon, funny thing was that they ended up being one of the wealthier clans :mjswag:and others are rethinking :cosbyhmm:

Madhibaans live in both PL and SL, and yes they have been looked down upon for being skilled artisans. I don't think they are a part of the wealthier clans. I have never heard that being suggested either.

I respect anyone that makes an honest living wallahi. It is a shame that more people don't earn a living and just leech of relatives in the diaspora.
@GeKo I studied mechanical engineering. Also did a short construction course as a hobby. True but if they don't build
their own villages with their own hands it will forever remain shitty.
Nice, I'm studying civil engineering. If your planning other projects I'd suggest animal driven water system. I've heard that back home the men manual fetch the water without even a basic pulley. And since each camel can drink a barrel of water it's back breaking work and has caused some health problems to the nomads like hernia. This would definitely help them and doesn't look too dificult to implement. There's many types , here's one


@GeKo That is innovate from Arabia most of the livestock perished though. It is better to use a simple water pump from
Madhibaans live in both PL and SL, and yes they have been looked down upon for being skilled artisans. I don't think they are a part of the wealthier clans. I have never heard that being suggested either.

I respect anyone that makes an honest living wallahi. It is a shame that more people don't earn a living and just leech of relatives in the diaspora.
I did hear they're able to provide for themselves and children adequately. It make sense since they probably produce more than they consume. It could be wrong tho about them being wealth. And it is a shame tbh, ppl in Kenya believe Somalis are rich since they'll never see a very poor somali. It's just that we leech off each other and help one another out which is absent in Kenyan culture.
@GeKo That is innovate from Arabia most of the livestock perished though. It is better to use a simple water pump from
What do you mean that livestock perished? As in the perished from delivering the water. The water pump from alibaba would be fine if Somalia had a cheap, reliable source of electricity that could be found everywhere. Also the maintenance of the electricity if solar would need technical support. Otherwise they would be better off making this
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