My only wish for 2017 is...

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The Bad Ali of Jigjiga
What's with idiots in here acting like the white racists?:childplease:

PC culture serves your best interests as a member of one of the most targeted minority groups in recent times.
For PC culture to die
so you want to live in a world where its okay for teachers, police, regular everyday people you meet to call you a , towel head, african booty scratcher, talk shit about africans or your religion etc? yikes

sis in the west alt left liberals and pc culture works in YOUR favour. why would you deny yourself that? let these white people walk on egg shells around you in their own country.

Gojo Satoru

Staff Member
so you want to live in a world where its okay for teachers, police, regular everyday people you meet to call you a , towel head, african booty scratcher, talk shit about africans or your religion etc? yikes
so you want to live in a world with shirtless women, 63 genders, and people having no sense of humour? yikes
so you want to live in a world with shirtless women, 63 genders, and people having no sense of humour? yikes
i don't really care though lol. let white people act a damn fool. as long as they are waking on egg shells around me it doesn't matter. becouse the alternative is alt right nazis threatening to kick me out and exterminate .


Not your typical Farah
OP is talking about something different than people calling you racial slurs or treating you different. I noticed majority of the people on this forum only understand PC culture from one perspective and they only think anti-PC people are white nationalists who want to discriminate others.

Some things that are PC:

  1. Calling prisoners as students and not offenders
  2. Law students or some college professors can't talk about rape or rape stats
  3. Mandatory racial and gender quotas in government or private sector job positions
  4. Wave of students who want to moderate speech on campus that are publicly funded
  5. Cultural Appropriation
  6. Many genders that don't even make sense
  7. Calling people racist or sexist without a shred of evidence of it
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