loooooool where the heck do you find these weird videos?
PM me it. xD
Apparently you don't know me that much. You put any somali related video on YouTube and leave it up to me to find it. Even I can a transgender xamar cadcad for you
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk wali wuu nool yahay laakiin to be fair to them how do you say the muscles are still contracting in somali, wali wuu bood boodayaa
Youtube allows those kinds of videos
Nigga! What could be wrong with it, it ain't sexual
A headless camel getting chopped up hmmm still don't know what's wrong with it
These people are ignorant. My friend was telling me when he was in Mogadishu during the time of ICU, he was called a nacas by one of the locals for thinking the Earth is round. He was told to be quiet because the Earth is flat and he might be hurt.