NATIONAL CATASTROPHE! Adeero tells an old head Arab preacher at Hyde park “Arabs are racist “. The old head Arab guy goes really in on Geeljires 😂😂😂

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
This is really weird, who the hell laughs at being roasted? These twitter faaraxs really have serious issues because no sane person would find this funny.

You can see the social media hivemind at work here. Couple of guys found it funny and now everybody is laughing along.

Also that adeer is a miskeen, most adeeros would have already thrown atleast one punch kkkkk.


Ana Arabs bowing before their masters, maxaa cusub?
Reer puntland come catch ur L


Anti Qabilist - Somali Patriot
All he had to do is mention the Kafala system, would’ve shut his mouth lol. It’s modern day slavery for God sake. And it practiced throughout the Middle East.
Lool.. The old arab went really hard onto the Somali guy.. Indirectly told him he would be uncivilized if it wasn't for the arabs bringing Islam to Somalis.. Now this old arab is taking patent on Islam, and with what might would an arab have been in position to force people to speak Arabic? This old arab is ignorant as f*ck and displaying a non existing superioty complex.. We all know arabs are the lowest of the low in today's world, so he should shut the f*ck up.
6 DAY WAR NOT EVEN A WEEK OF WAR and the filthy Arabs lost to smaller Israel .

All you have to say to the modern monkey Arabs you lost a war in 6 days to a smaller foe .

ahahahhaah Arab take the biggest L in the 20th century never let them sand monkeys forget .

This this same ugly Arab dude who says wallahi you are gay , well I say wallahi he is a loser who spends his time all day in a park arguing for no reason and is jobless .

Lives off welfare never had a job even in his youthful days a true SHAWARMA bum .

He looks like a paki aka bachi bazi loser .

Crazy how these Arabs think they are special .
Man, this one sided obsession with arabs needs to stop. They don’t care about you niggas same way yall care about them.

You calling us niggas, while you speak highly of that Arab monkey

You would probably join that Arab, and help him disrespect your fellow somali..

You speak with two tongue 👅

