Nature you scary

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No, I'm not talking about natural disasters like earthquakes and volcanoes but actual wildlife and forests. I'm going to sound real hippy now, but growing up in rural areas and talking to people who lived around the bush/forests made me realize this is a real thing. Have you guys ever went hiking DEEP into the forest and feel like something is watching you? You know that feeling that makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up. My neighbours went on vacation for 2 weeks and asked if i could walk their dog. I actually like dogs but he knew i was muslim so he was like just take him out and you can borrow my dirt bike so he can chase and run after you if u dont wanna walk him. I love dirt bikes so i was like f*ck yes.

SO earlier this morning we went out for our usual trip. I live in a rural area, my backyard is a bush/forest area that goes 300km all the way to Niagara Falls. So we were doing our thing and the whole time I got that feeling that someone was watching. My instincts told me to get the f*ck outta there but I love riding dirt bikes too much so I ignored it. As i kept riding that feeling intensified more and more. And then suddenly right before we were about to go over a hill the dog stopped and started whimpering. He then went into the fetal position and started whimpering even more. I just kept staring at the dog in shock and confusion not knowing what the f*ck was scaring him, but it started to scare me too. I also noticed that the usual wildlife noises stopped. The birds stopped chirping and insects stopped making noise. Complete and utter silence. Part of me wanted to go over that hill to see what was scaring him but as soon as that thought arose in my mind the dog looked at me with his eyes wide af and booked it out of there. I never seen him run that fast. I got my dirt bike and rode as quickly as I could out of there. I'm pretty sure that dog saved my life, because theres countless stories of people and especially kids going missing in this bush area. And everytime they find kids, their usually in pristine condition....despite them being gone for weeks or sometimes months. And when we ask them what happened and where they went they all have similar answers. "That man took me" "The hairy man took me and fed me". To me the only logical explanation is Jinns. They live in isolated areas, and nothing is more isolated than the bush. Dogs can see jinns, so I'm pretty sure thats what scared him. I never felt more unwelcome to the forest than today, something didn't want me there and I really felt it. I sometimes get these feelings but today was much different.
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Go and check out David Paulides and his work 'missing 411' as it happens to be related to this. When you read the accounts of SAR people some of the cases just send chills down your spine. Search dogs not picking up any scents or refusing to follow a scent after a certain distance in fear. Some cases having the fbi and green berets camping nearby doing their own 'investigation' and refusing to give investigators any information on foia requests because the information can greatly affect 'national security'. I used to big on the outdoors when I was younger and had the time for it. Theres a huge national park not far from me in my state and the AT trail goes right through it. Both are among the largest number of disappearances of people in the country. Stay safe bro. The jinn can abduct people and there are prophetic traditions that confirm this.
There are some rules me and a couple of friends made over time that seems to work. Always carry a shotgun especially if you are in bear country. Hike along the trail and dont divert too far from it especially at night. Always camp in the campgrounds. NEVER camp alone. Always camp in group of threes or more. This sounds like common sense. Now for the weird ones. Pick some nicknames to refer to each other while out in the wilderness. NEVER call out to or respond to anything in the darkness that calls out your name. NEVER follow this sound either. If you see your friend or someone else you know going into the trees or forest at night do NOT FOLLOW them. 99.9999% of the time you will find them sleeping soundly in their tent. When you get up and need to take a quick piss then ALWAYS wake up at least one of your camping mates to come with you. Follow these simple rules and the only thing you should have a natural fear of in the wild are bears and wolves. When you stop hearing the woods and the sounds of the creatures that it is a classic case of a shaytaan making its presence known. In my experience it is usually followed by a bone rattling scream that comes from all directions and continues unstopped for like 10 minutes and suddenly stops as if someone turned of a switch.
Go and check out David Paulides and his work 'missing 411' as it happens to be related to this. When you read the accounts of SAR people some of the cases just send chills down your spine. Search dogs not picking up any scents or refusing to follow a scent after a certain distance in fear. Some cases having the fbi and green berets camping nearby doing their own 'investigation' and refusing to give investigators any information on foia requests because the information can greatly affect 'national security'. I used to big on the outdoors when I was younger and had the time for it. Theres a huge national park not far from me in my state and the AT trail goes right through it. Both are among the largest number of disappearances of people in the country. Stay safe bro. The jinn can abduct people and there are prophetic traditions that confirm this.


I was hoping this was just a one time thing and I was tripping but this confirms my worst suspicions. After experiencing this shit today I finally get why some Native Indian cultures have beasts or monsters that lure and prey on humans. This shit is real man. I hope it's just jinns and nothing else. We don't really know what's out there man.

There was a story I read a while ago, maybe you heard of it. A family with two kids goes hiking and they lose their son. Huge SAR mission and it made national news. After months on end of searching they couldn't find anything. So the family decides to go hiking again and this time they lost their 2nd son 5min after entering the forest. This became huge again and involved like 400 volunteers scouring the forest for both kids. Poor family. Then one day they found the 2nd kid like 3 weeks later. Clothes in perfect condition. Skin and body in perfect condition. Hair in normal condition. It's like he got ready that morning for school. So they ask him where'd u go and who took you. He was like the man with the blurry face took me. He fed me and said I wasn't the right type so he returned me. And apparently his brother was there with him too. Man thjs shit scares tf out of me lmao
There are some rules me and a couple of friends made over time that seems to work. Always carry a shotgun especially if you are in bear country. Hike along the trail and dont divert too far from it especially at night. Always camp in the campgrounds. NEVER camp alone. Always camp in group of threes or more. This sounds like common sense. Now for the weird ones. Pick some nicknames to refer to each other while out in the wilderness. NEVER call out to or respond to anything in the darkness that calls out your name. NEVER follow this sound either. If you see your friend or someone else you know going into the trees or forest at night do NOT FOLLOW them. 99.9999% of the time you will find them sleeping soundly in their tent. When you get up and need to take a quick piss then ALWAYS wake up at least one of your camping mates to come with you. Follow these simple rules and the only thing you should have a natural fear of in the wild are bears and wolves. When you stop hearing the woods and the sounds of the creatures that it is a classic case of a shaytaan making its presence known. In my experience it is usually followed by a bone rattling scream that comes from all directions and continues unstopped for like 10 minutes and suddenly stops as if someone turned of a switch.

Your description of the sound stopping and stuff is exactly what I experienced. Except instead of that loud noise I just felt a weird buzzing or humming noise in my ear.

Yeah I follow most of those rules. But your so right about never following noises and people into the woods. It reminds me of that time I went camping with 5 of my friends and we were all sound asleep one night. Apparently my friend said he saw a man look at him behind a bush and they stared at each other. The guy just smiled and walked away. Keep in mind we deep into the forest, ee hiked for like 4 hours. So nobody should have been around us. And this guy was chilling in the pitch black forest alone at 4am. When woke up my friend was still awake and he's cadaan so the dude was pale as f*ck. We were like yo what's good. When he told us we all laughed it off but looking back at it now it could've been a jinn or shaytaan in human form
@Realwarya Theres a outdoor court here i play ball at but its annoying af cuz theres a lot of farms near me so i constantly smell cow xaar whenever I'm outside. I'm used to it now.

I was hoping this was just a one time thing and I was tripping but this confirms my worst suspicions. After experiencing this shit today I finally get why some Native Indian cultures have beasts or monsters that lure and prey on humans. This shit is real man. I hope it's just jinns and nothing else. We don't really know what's out there man.

There was a story I read a while ago, maybe you heard of it. A family with two kids goes hiking and they lose their son. Huge SAR mission and it made national news. After months on end of searching they couldn't find anything. So the family decides to go hiking again and this time they lost their 2nd son 5min after entering the forest. This became huge again and involved like 400 volunteers scouring the forest for both kids. Poor family. Then one day they found the 2nd kid like 3 weeks later. Clothes in perfect condition. Skin and body in perfect condition. Hair in normal condition. It's like he got ready that morning for school. So they ask him where'd u go and who took you. He was like the man with the blurry face took me. He fed me and said I wasn't the right type so he returned me. And apparently his brother was there with him too. Man thjs shit scares tf out of me lmao

Pretty sure all of these strange cases involve the jinn at some level. A few cases I can see how it can be both natural predators and nature acting together to cover the tracks of the missing and even serial killers or drug gangs. According to the fbi something like 70 serial killers are operating in the country at any given time. But some of the cases just have jinn written all over them. I havent heard that story at all and sounds bizarre as hell. Native Americans are the best imo when it comes to this as they have been living on the land for thousands of years. I have a good native American friend and the stories he would tell me about his family would make the hair on your neck stand. Whats jumped out at me was all of the similarities of the accounts and how they were just the antics of the jinn. Go check out the skinwalker and mothman legends. Crazy stuff.
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Your description of the sound stopping and stuff is exactly what I experienced. Except instead of that loud noise I just felt a weird buzzing or humming noise in my ear.

Yeah I follow most of those rules. But your so right about never following noises and people into the woods. It reminds me of that time I went camping with 5 of my friends and we were all sound asleep one night. Apparently my friend said he saw a man look at him behind a bush and they stared at each other. The guy just smiled and walked away. Keep in mind we deep into the forest, ee hiked for like 4 hours. So nobody should have been around us. And this guy was chilling in the pitch black forest alone at 4am. When woke up my friend was still awake and he's cadaan so the dude was pale as f*ck. We were like yo what's good. When he told us we all laughed it off but looking back at it now it could've been a jinn or shaytaan in human form

I have plenty of stories like that and even weirder but dont want to spook myself or others lol. You know s**t is about to get real as soon as all of the animals stop making their natural noises and the wind spontaneously stops. I forgot to mention reading ayatul kursi. That will always stop the whole thing in my experience as well as those of my friends. But sometimes you just cant be sure if its a natural predator nearby thats causing all of it or if its supernatural. In all cases be vigilant and have your shotgun within an arms distance.
@Sufiyan Do you have Islamic sources for Jinn abductions and the screaming in the woods etc? I'd really love to learn more.

Not for screaming in the woods. That is my own interpretation sadly and feel free to take it with a grain of salt. For jinn abductions there are quite a few:

Narrated in Bukhari The Prophet Salllallahu alayhi wa sallam: "Cover your utensils and tie your water skins, and close your doors and keep your children close to you at night, as the Jinns spread out at such time and snatch things away. When you go to bed, put out your lights, for the mischief-doer (i.e. the rat) may drag away the wick of the candle and burn the dwellers of the house."

Imam al-Bayhaqi rahimahullah reported a saheeh narration from the time of Umar radialllahu anhu that a man was kidnapped by some Jinn, and remained their prisoner for four years. When he returned, he said that some Mushrik Jinn had kidnapped him and kept him a prisoner until they were invaded and defeated by Muslim Jinn, who returned him to his people.


Guys here are a few stories:

ʿAbd Al-Raḥmān b. Abī Laylā reports:

A man from his people, from the Anṣār, went out one night to pray ʿIshāʾ with his people [during the Caliphate of ʿUmar], but some jinn abducted him, and he went missing. His wife went to ʿUmar and told him [of her missing husband]. ʿUmar asked his people about him, and they confirmed that he had gone out to pray ʿIshāʾ but had gone missing. [ʿUmar] told the woman to wait for four years.

When four years had passed, the woman went back to ʿUmar and informed him [of her case]. He asked her people and they confirmed the case. He told her she could now marry, and she did. But her [first] husband returned and raised a dispute [over the marriage] to ʿUmar b. Al-Khaṭṭāb – Allāh be pleased with him. ʿUmar said, “One of you disappears for ages, his family does not know whether he is alive or not [and then he turns up, making claims]!” The man replied, “O Leader of the Believers, I have an excuse.” He asked, “And what is your excuse?” The man replied, “I went out to pray ʿIshāʾ one night, but some jinn captured me, and I [was held captive] by them for a long time. Then, some Muʾmin – or Muslim (one of the reporters, Saʿīd, was not sure of the exact word used) jinn waged an attack on them, fought them and beat them, and took captives. They took me amongst the captives, but said, ‘We see that you are a Muslim man, and it is not allowed for us to keep you captive.’ So they gave me the choice of staying with them or returning to my family. I chose to return to my family. They set off with me. By night, no one would say anything to me; but by day there would be a stick I would follow.”

ʿUmar – Allāh be pleased with him – asked the man, “What was your food when you were amongst them?” He replied, “Difficult [stolen?] food, and what had not had the name of Allāh mentioned over it.” ʿUmar asked, “And what did you drink when you were amongst them?” He replied, “Al-jadaf (a type of drink that does not ferment).”

ʿUmar ruled that the man had a choice to either get back the ṣadāq (dowry) he had given [and have his marriage stay nullified], or take back his wife.

One of the most prominent Sahaba from the Ansar Sa'ad ibn ‘Ubaadah was killed by the jinn when he urinated in a hole which happened to be their dwelling place.

Jinns probably invented modern technological devices centuries or even millenia before us. I'll provide evidence from a story reported by Ibn Taymiyyah (RH) which was almost 700 years ago!

Shaykh of Islam ibn Taymiyyah said: ‘Some of the Shuyookh who used to keep contact with the Jinn informed him that the Jinn showed them something shining resembling water and glass, it would present an image inside of it for him, for whatever news they requested from him and whatever news he requested from them.’


Not for screaming in the woods. That is my own interpretation sadly and feel free to take it with a grain of salt. For jinn abductions there are quite a few:

Narrated in Bukhari The Prophet Salllallahu alayhi wa sallam: "Cover your utensils and tie your water skins, and close your doors and keep your children close to you at night, as the Jinns spread out at such time and snatch things away. When you go to bed, put out your lights, for the mischief-doer (i.e. the rat) may drag away the wick of the candle and burn the dwellers of the house."

Imam al-Bayhaqi rahimahullah reported a saheeh narration from the time of Umar radialllahu anhu that a man was kidnapped by some Jinn, and remained their prisoner for four years. When he returned, he said that some Mushrik Jinn had kidnapped him and kept him a prisoner until they were invaded and defeated by Muslim Jinn, who returned him to his people.

Do you think he was possessed for four years? Hearing their voices, being blinded by them and not being able to interact with the wider world for four years or that he was physically abducted and taken to their world or a place screened/hidden from reach?


You guys want me to tell you personal stories, or that of family members? I do ruqya sometimes, only when I'm really needed otherwise people go to shuyukh or more advanced tullab al 'ilm than me.

Once, a relative of mine was with her sisters and they have seen a Jinn in the form of their dead sister, so they were all spooked.

Actually, I'm not going to tell you the rest since you will be afraid lol. They tell me things like **** off if I'm reciting Qur'an to a possessed person. My grandfather was once reciting Ayat ul Kursi on someone that was possessed and they told him stfu and wanted to attack him but he continued.
Jinns probably invented modern technological devices centuries or even millenia before us. I'll provide evidence from a story reported by Ibn Taymiyyah (RH) which was almost 700 years ago!

Shaykh of Islam ibn Taymiyyah said: ‘Some of the Shuyookh who used to keep contact with the Jinn informed him that the Jinn showed them something shining resembling water and glass, it would present an image inside of it for him, for whatever news they requested from him and whatever news he requested from them.’


This reminds me of when @Zayd and @Lily were telling me how Jinns use whatsapp and shit


Wallahi I have soo many marks of claws on my ceiling that was from none other than Jinn. Literally the ceiling in my bedroom has marks of claws all over it, overlapping each other.


>,,< certified creep >,,<

This reminds me of when @Zayd and @Lily were telling me how Jinns use whatsapp and shit

yo do you remember that twitter account.... their name was Jin and it had like million followers overnight... ppl asking questions and what not thinking it was real jin z3zrULCz3zrULCz3zrULCz3zrULCz3zrULCz3zrULC... some people are sooooo doqon they make me feel genius :zhqjlmx:
yo do you remember that twitter account.... their name was Jin and it had like million followers overnight... ppl asking questions and what not thinking it was real jin z3zrULCz3zrULCz3zrULCz3zrULCz3zrULCz3zrULC... some people are sooooo doqon they make me feel genius :zhqjlmx:
Lool I'm pretty sure it was satirical. People on twitter always follow dumb shit like that. There's a god account too that has millions of followers.

But yo @Lily, this got me thinking. If there were jinns on somalispot, which users would you suspect to be jinns.
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