New Corruption Perceptions Index for 2024


Guul iyo Gobanimo

We passed South Sudan!:banderas::ooh::lawd: At first I thought it was an impossible challenge for HSM but he pulled it off. The best president in Somali history!:rejoice:
How are we far worse then North Korea. Some of the placings of certain countries do not make any sense. Like how do they get data on some of these countries if we know nothing about them besides what they tell us.
This was already accomplished by Farmajo's admimistration that set up the anti-corruption comittee that HSM would later dismantle. Don't give that dameer any credit.


Guul iyo Gobanimo
This was already accomplished by Farmajo's admimistration that set up the anti-corruption comittee that HSM would later dismantle. Don't give that dameer any credit.
Sarcasm sxb, do you really think I would celebrate being second to last. I have more dignity than that.


Forza Somalia!
Sarcasm sxb, do you really think I would celebrate being second to last. I have more dignity than that.
by the way, Somalia is worse than what it was 1 year ago, we are 2nd because South Sudan went 2x worse than us. Ha isku maleenin that we did better than last year.
Didn’t cannibalist warlords overrun the capital of Haiti?
Congo (the 3rd or 4th most resource rich country on Earth) less corrupt than Russia? Ethiopia less corrupt than Indonesia? Bulgaria less corrupt than China?Yet American elites are freaking out about China lool.

I’m guessing their measurements ( not sure what metrics they used) are based on how the local population perceives corruption, rather than the actual corruption taking place.
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Didn’t cannibalist warlords overrun the capital of Haiti?
Congo (the 3rd or 4th most resource rich country on Earth) less corrupt than Russia? Ethiopia less corrupt than Indonesia? Bulgaria less corrupt than China?Yet American elites are freaking out about China lool.

I’m guessing their measurements ( not sure what metrics they used) are based on how the local population perceives corruption, rather than the actual corruption taking place.
It’s based on public sector corruption. Your beloved FGS doesn’t let any money it gets leave the capital and yet xamar still looks like a dump. Why is that?

It’s because they use gov money to build homes in nairobi. Your fgs doesn’t care about you


These stats have sketchy methodology for some countries and are often based on assumptions. Yes somalia is corrupt but I'm quite sure nobody has objective data to determine we are more corrupt than North Korea for example. The assumption is based on Somalia's state of civil war and not on objective data collected within the country. Even the failed state index is similarly biased , Somalia was 1 in 2024 we have been worse than Syria and Iraq doing their Daesh insurgencies and worse than Yemen which is way more fragmented than us with an official government that doesn't control the capital city.