New Generation Somalis vs Old Generation - Gaal and Clan loyalty

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Suldaanka Gobyare
I noticed more and more Somalis are becoming gaalo. It mostly stems from ignorance and wrong upbringing. Atheist/agnostic Somalis seem to be the worst clannists, but at the same time can also be the least clannist Somalis, for example AbdiJohnson. His moral and values are strong.

They don't fear the hereafter.or Allah (swt) They live for this Dunya. They aren't preparing themselves for the hereafter so they become extreme in their fields. Some atheist/agnostic Somalis suffer from severe depression. As we know majority of the Atheists/Agnostic are not family oriented feeling and are most of the time a product of society. They see family or religion as a burden.

Since they don't really have a group to lean on or a cause and never were family oriented, they feel empty inside. They become nationalist Somalis(though this is not always the case, some become extreme clannist. They want to feel part of a group and appreciated and admired.

Some have noticed in the Western countries that White people will never accept them, regardless of their Atheism/Agnosticism. Some turn to other groups and were rejected. When all fails they just turn to their own ethnic.

Most Clannist Muslim Somalis on this forum who were raised in the West would still align themselves with these Atheists/Agnostics as long as they represent Somali's or their clan.

Were the previous generation like this?

I'm sure the Somalis back home feel like being Somali and a Muslim are synonymous. They would never tolerate this. To all atheists and agnostics willing to die for Somalis or their clan. Will you be up front with other Somalis and tell them that you are a Atheist/Agnostic or will you hide it for the rest of your life while pursuing your goal.

To all Muslim Somalis would you accept them as your brothers and sisters?
No, i wouldn't accept Gaalos or atheists. I'd respect them, just like when I see Cadaan, Mexican, or Madow Gaalos, but no acceptance for their Gaalonimo behavior.

LooL the only Somali Gaalos i have seen were online, never in real life though. Which is kinda weird.


I noticed more and more Somalis are becoming gaalo. It mostly stems from ignorance and wrong upbringing. Atheist/agnostic Somalis seem to be the worst clannists, but at the same time can also be the least clannist Somalis, for example AbdiJohnson. His moral and values are strong.

They don't fear the hereafter.or Allah (swt) They live for this Dunya. They aren't preparing themselves for the hereafter so they become extreme in their fields. Some atheist/agnostic Somalis suffer from severe depression. As we know majority of the Atheists/Agnostic are not family oriented feeling and are most of the time a product of society. They see family or religion as a burden.

Loolz look at this fool trying to analyze us, go back to you're posts where you try to use reverse psychology by praising Ethiopians and belittling your own folk's kid, don't rack your brain on things that you have little to no comprehension about nor can fathom.


John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
You're looking too deep into this. Most of these 'gaals' parrot mainstream western opinions. They are a product of their environment. AJ is an obvious one, his wadaninimo stems solely from the fact that he views clannism as barbaric and backwards, just like islam.

If they lived in a village in somalia they would probably support shabab.


Suldaanka Gobyare
No, i wouldn't accept Gaalos or atheists. I'd respect them, just like when I see Cadaan, Mexican, or Madow Gaalos, but no acceptance for their Gaalonimo behavior.

LooL the only Somali Gaalos i have seen were online, never in real life though. Which is kinda weird.

Nin rag ah baad tahay.


Citizen of Southwest State
The whole coming out of the closet thing will never happen with atheists returning to Somalia. Vocal atheist Somalis are almost non-existent in the west so imagine them being outspoken in Somalia of all places. Somali atheists in the west lead double lives. They pray next to you in the masjid, they wear hijabs and abayas, they'll tell you what they had for iftar during Ramadan, etc.

As Somalia continues to become even more religious and fundamental, expect it to be even more difficult for Somali atheists to come out. The biggest window of opportunity, Somali atheists had was during the Kacaan regime when they would sip whiskey at Aruba hotel. This generation might be arguably the best for atheists in general but definitely not for Somali atheists. Expect to only see them on the Internet as you would only see hoejabis in car parks and public bathrooms. There is definitely an increase in gaalnimo among Somalis but they are all fuleyiin in public. You would probably be more likely to see someone like @AbdiJohnson at Friday prayer then at your local bar. It is what it is. :kobeok:


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Most of you are only Muslims cos it's been drummed into you from childhood. 20+ years of brainwashing and you're just spewing what your parents told you.

We're all Agnostics. Nobody knows if a deity exists and nobody knows if hell and heaven exist. The difference between you and I is that I admit I know jack shit. You guys are so arrogant that you think you know what happens after death.


ill be back in a minute by the way don't cry when i start poking holes in Islam and don't start foaming at the mouth ooh this is going to be good obamadatazzobamadatazz


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
ill be back in a minute by the way don't cry when i start poking holes in Islam and don't start foaming at the mouth ooh this is going to be good obamadatazzobamadatazz

By page 4 they will accuse Atheists of being obsessed with Islam, even though they created this thread.



Loolz Somalis are sheep swayed by the faintest of breezes, so they follow Xaarabz till they die have you seeing the video that Habesha called Xaraan Qaraan posted ? where this sheik is advocating incest and Homosexuality, don't worry somalis will follow that narrative in the coming future since they booty lick Xaraabz.

I can only speak for me and I can get along with anyone just fine as long as they don't disrespect my religion and my culture. The problem that exists here on SSpot is you have so many that constantly and I mean constantly attack Islam and that to me is unacceptable.
i would accept them, but i doubt most somalis would if they were open about it. The ones on this forum are pretty annoying though.


I can only speak for me and I can get along with anyone just fine as long as they don't disrespect my religion and my culture. The problem that exists here on SSpot is you have so many that constantly and I mean constantly attack Islam and that to me is unacceptable.

But it's acceptable for muslim's openly advocating execution of apostates on here huh :camby::childplease:


HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
I noticed more and more Somalis are becoming gaalo. It mostly stems from ignorance and wrong upbringing. Atheist/agnostic Somalis seem to be the worst clannists, but at the same time can also be the least clannist Somalis, for example AbdiJohnson. His moral and values are strong.

They don't fear the hereafter.or Allah (swt) They live for this Dunya. They aren't preparing themselves for the hereafter so they become extreme in their fields. Some atheist/agnostic Somalis suffer from severe depression. As we know majority of the Atheists/Agnostic are not family oriented feeling and are most of the time a product of society. They see family or religion as a burden.

Since they don't really have a group to lean on or a cause and never were family oriented, they feel empty inside. They become nationalist Somalis(though this is not always the case, some become extreme clannist. They want to feel part of a group and appreciated and admired.

Some have noticed in the Western countries that White people will never accept them, regardless of their Atheism/Agnosticism. Some turn to other groups and were rejected. When all fails they just turn to their own ethnic.

Most Clannist Muslim Somalis on this forum who were raised in the West would still align themselves with these Atheists/Agnostics as long as they represent Somali's or their clan.

Were the previous generation like this?

I'm sure the Somalis back home feel like being Somali and a Muslim are synonymous. They would never tolerate this. To all atheists and agnostics willing to die for Somalis or their clan. Will you be up front with other Somalis and tell them that you are a Atheist/Agnostic or will you hide it for the rest of your life while pursuing your goal.

To all Muslim Somalis would you accept them as your brothers and sisters?

I think you're romanticising Somalia. Let's not sit here and deny the existence of Somali Christian's. They didn't live in hiding nor were they shunned but instead they were given positions in the Somali government and respected members of the Somali community.

As for you question, a person's faith is between them and God. It isn't an issue I concern myself with, but I wouldn't be accepting of anyone who constantly attacks and disrespects my faith.
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