New: President Museveni jokes about Somalia AGAIN!

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"Show respect to all people, but grovel to none"
"Hiya a retaya general slappa woman, hiya we do not slappa woman, you ah not even allowed to to to to barka woman. Dont barka woman, woof wa wa wa woo( barks grunts, roars). If you ah aggressive and angry ask fo pahmission and we will deploya to somaria wheya you aggressiveness is needed."

Museveni the Savage.:damn::damn::damn::damn::damn::damn::damn::damn:.

How will cheese and respond to this?:kanyehmm:


Islamic Fanfiction Writer
Uganda? HAhahahahahaHahahhaHAHAHAHH!
We’re good no need for retaliation, let’s not lower ourselves now.
This is the humiliation we will face forever, unless we deal with the HAG infection in Murderdishu.

Being patriotic does not mean be deluded, which city is holding us back besides that hell hole?
Good we don't these have ugandan soldiers roaming our streets in puntland.. This is one of the reasons I sometimes wish we just separated ourselves from the south. Clearly we cannot share a country with a bunch of animilist ungovernable anarchist people.
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