I just finished reading through this very interesting report on the situation in Somalia and in particular the capital Xamar. It also had some very helpful maps and graphs
Some interesting bits from it was the following.
Here is the full report http://force-analysis.com/wp-conten...alia-in-Transition-Winning-Back-Mogadishu.pdf
Since the 22000 AMISOM troops are scheduled to leave the country by 2020 and the SNA will not be able to train and equip 20000+ troops in 2 years how will the government of Somalia make sure that Al-shabab just doesn't bide it's time like the talibans did in Afghanistan and take back the land they lost when AMISOM has left?
Some interesting bits from it was the following.
Incident level data shows that Somali security forces have made clear headway in the ght to secure Mogadishu. Al Shabaab a acks in the city have showed a sustained drop over the past six months, and loca ons of a acks have started shi ing towards the outer perimeter of the city. Despite harsh cri cism resul ng from individual drama c a acks by the al Shabaab militants, the government of Somalia is demonstra ng it has built a founda on for further accomplishments.
Al Shabaab has not spent its strength, and remains a powerful actor within Somalia. As its a acks in the capital have steadily dropped, the group has shown great determina on to con nue its opera ons in the immediate vicinity of Mogadishu. In other parts of the country, the already overstretched Somali forces and African Union peacekeepers have been unable to make signi cant gains over the past year, and even failed to maintain their presence in speci c remote areas of the country.
In order to build upon those gains already achieved, additional capabilities will be required either through additional foreign commitment or through the development of the Somali National Armed Forces.
Here is the full report http://force-analysis.com/wp-conten...alia-in-Transition-Winning-Back-Mogadishu.pdf
Since the 22000 AMISOM troops are scheduled to leave the country by 2020 and the SNA will not be able to train and equip 20000+ troops in 2 years how will the government of Somalia make sure that Al-shabab just doesn't bide it's time like the talibans did in Afghanistan and take back the land they lost when AMISOM has left?
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