New solution to curb demographic collapse?


Don't know how legit that account is... but in another first for the pioneer of first world demographic collapse:mjlaugh:

Korean government proposes to enroll girls in school 1 year earlier than boys to "promote child birth"

Might we be witnessing a novel solution soon to be adopted by other (anti-immigrant) first world countries facing the same demographic dilemma? Of course there's plenty evidence suggesting females mature faster than males both physically and mentally but there'll surely be outrage in any case if the measure is implemented.

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how does enrolling girls earlier promote childbirth? so that theyre earlier done with school and have time for family? this is completely useless if ur population is so liberalized and feminism pilled they hate the thought of being mothers.

not to mention ur male population are shut in neets who are content with hentai, body pillows and the secret habit


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
Women will no longer risk their financial security for a man. Why would they when a man can just divorce them any minute and toss them aside leaving them with nothing? Career ladies for the win! A man is not a plan ladies. @Angelina drop the beat DJ


East Asian have one of the worst work culture. Male or female need to work ridiculous hours almost 80 hrs in weak. It’s common to die from overworking over there.


Women will no longer risk their financial security for a man. Why would they when a man can just divorce them any minute and toss them aside leaving them with nothing? Career ladies for the win! A man is not a plan ladies. @Angelina drop the beat DJ
She can demand child support from her ex husband legally. But I don’t know if Korea have this law though.


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
She can demand child support from her ex husband legally. But I don’t know if Korea have this law though.
What about her though? She has nothing to support her. Why even put yourself in that predicament? Even if your a mom you should work from home because I have seen many stories were the women are kicked out at the end and left homeless.
They should change the content of school by indoctrinating kids into making children. Oldschool indoctrination. Family values drilled into children. Importance of children. Tone down the career capitalism image. You also have to scrap Western gender ideology. That's a major problem.

Enroling girls one year earlier is not a solution. What happens here is women will be one year ahead thinking the same things, lol.


They should change the content of school by indoctrinating kids into making children. Oldschool indoctrination. Family values drilled into children. Importance of children. Tone down the career capitalism image. You also have to scrap Western gender ideology. That's a major problem.

Enroling girls one year earlier is not a solution. What happens here is women will be one year ahead thinking the same things, lol.
Bro they're implementing a full court press. Maybe molding the minds of kids will be the mandate of the new ministry they're establishing soon.

Seoul will offer each citizen up to 1 million won ($734) to help ease the financial burden of the medical procedure for couples who want a child
City authorities are already offering financial support for egg freezing and infertility treatments to help stem the decline in births.
Seoul would “mobilize all available policies” to boost the population, including launching a match-making program.
President Yoon Suk Yeol said earlier this month in a nationally televised address that his administration plans to launch a new ministry dedicated to dealing with the fertility crisis

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I already see the vision, a dating app that offers better financial incentives (lower mortgage rates, automobile financing, tax rebates, etc.) the less appealing a romantic prospect is...basically coercive arranged relationships :russ:
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Bro they're implementing a full court press. Maybe molding the minds of kids will be the mandate of the new ministry they're establishing soon.

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I already see the vision, a dating app that offers better financial incentives (lower mortgage rates, automobile financing, tax rebates, etc.) the less appealing a romantic prospect is...basically coercive arranged relationships :russ:
I wondered how many vasectomies were taken until finding out that in the 70s, close to 150k people had it...

In the same way, that the state and its economic philosophies and liberal ideologies made people averse to making children, I think it is their responsibility to brainwash them back to child-making obsession (sounds contrived, but it is the natural order; the status quo is what is deviant). The dating apps, all the solutions you see, are not true solutions when the rate of child production is dipping increasingly. One has to change people's thinking. By the time people have children it is too late (people don't make drastic life changes with these things on a large scale in their 20s). You have to start young.
Or just make cost of living affordable for the breadwinner so women aren’t pressured to work.

It’s really that simple.
I wondered how many vasectomies were taken until finding out that in the 70s, close to 150k people had it...

In the same way, that the state and its economic philosophies and liberal ideologies made people averse to making children, I think it is their responsibility to brainwash them back to child-making obsession (sounds contrived, but it is the natural order; the status quo is what is deviant). The dating apps, all the solutions you see, are not true solutions when the rate of child production is dipping increasingly. One has to change people's thinking. By the time people have children it is too late (people don't make drastic life changes with these things on a large scale in their 20s). You have to start young.
That’s real sxb


They should change the content of school by indoctrinating kids into making children. Oldschool indoctrination. Family values drilled into children. Importance of children. Tone down the career capitalism image. You also have to scrap Western gender ideology. That's a major problem.

Enroling girls one year earlier is not a solution. What happens here is women will be one year ahead thinking the same things, lol.
Bro they're implementing a full court press. Maybe molding the minds of kids will be the mandate of the new ministry they're establishing soon.

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I already see the vision, a dating app that offers better financial incentives (lower mortgage rates, automobile financing, tax rebates, etc.) the less appealing a romantic prospect is...basically coercive arranged relationships :russ:
It could work only if they really go in with the propaganda of just how important this is. Having children for working women is basically like a hobby. You really need women who are professional baby makers to drive fertility rates back up. Korea is hostile to children to the point of there being child free zones, you'd need communist level indoctrination to change that culture.

The only known way to quickly increase fertility is where you have secular & wealthier Coreligionists funding religious fundamentalists to run a parallel society and have a boatload of kids like Amish/Haredim. Problem is these groups eventually take over, and they tend to be high in mutational load and have a fairly alien culture.

For families that already have two or three kids the state needs to literally remove all material barriers to them having five or eight or nine. The task for any country with demography issues to build that kind of subculture from scratch. I think modern states are more than capable enough to do it tbh, having kids isn't rocket science.
I’m not gonna lie sometimes I think that country’s government is full of dumb people. I seen so many street interviews cite that it’s South Korea’s crazy housing crisis or working environment that’s the cause of why both men and women refrain from having kids yet they come up with solutions like this to prove that they’re tone deaf. No wonder their citizens always complain about corruption.
It could work only if they really go in with the propaganda of just how important this is. Having children for working women is basically like a hobby. You really need women who are professional baby makers to drive fertility rates back up. Korea is hostile to children to the point of there being child free zones, you'd need communist level indoctrination to change that culture.

The only known way to quickly increase fertility is where you have secular & wealthier Coreligionists funding religious fundamentalists to run a parallel society and have a boatload of kids like Amish/Haredim. Problem is these groups eventually take over, and they tend to be high in mutational load and have a fairly alien culture.

For families that already have two or three kids the state needs to literally remove all material barriers to them having five or eight or nine. The task for any country with demography issues to build that kind of subculture from scratch. I think modern states are more than capable enough to do it tbh, having kids isn't rocket science.
From how it seems, society will contract and implode on itself. Standards of living will dip, institutions will fail, people will have to adapt (new socio-culture) and through those rough times, with reduced population, the fertility rate will again rise. The inexorable competition in focusing on maximizing human capital production for economical corporate demands makes the trends unlikely of any conscious halting trade-off on policy. Economic power-holders that the state caters its policies around, don't think long-term, only their immediate bottom line of fairing well within the ongoing economic landscape. These locked-in tensions are the reason everyone sees the problem happening to them yet no one does anything tangible. That's the system perspective.

A few Japanese people were questioned on the matters of the consequences of the falling birthrates. All of them had a very apt understanding of the systemic and societal degradation such a declining process would have for them, needless to say, all of them had prescribed that people needed to make more children and that people had the wrong mental framing to meet the challenges. No matter, when they were later asked if they wanted children, the specific women in question either said no, that they wanted a career-oriented life with little to no family child-rearing focus, or there were some women who said yes, but then having only a child mostly. That to me encapsulated the entire problem. Collective understanding and measures needed were well perceived in the macro, however, a severe individualist mentality removes the person from any sense of role or responsibility to meet any sense of duty.

Which is a strange aspect, right? These Asian countries are collectivist but somehow this solution has shown that collectivism in certain measures doesn't contradict individualism. More so, collectivism in capitalistic structure reinforces collective thinking that produces individual convenient market-productive self-agent-perceiving mentalities. Because these so-called individuals chose to somehow devout themselves to a company instead of focusing on their lives. The archetypical idealized living has penetrated very deeply. These people will tell you that they are merely doing what they want, almost in a reactionary protest to pigeonholed "archaic" expectations, and believe their maximization of personal pleasures with the least amount of consequential contingencies is the ideal. Humans are sadly very easy to manipulate. We often think what we want is our full choice when they are merely an expression of the individuated unique room of how society brought us up. We are brought up to think and act according to what benefits the system.

Our true needs and systemic needs are not fully synonymous -- often, there is a conflict. Humans in the "modern" world resent this notion, yet the way of life that respects what is closest to the survival line as the fundamental is best for humans. I don't want to delve deeper but there is an element of trans-humanism philosophy that accompanies the notion that we are more than yesterday and that we are climbing the stairs of progress at all times. The Darwinian notion of apes yesterday, sapien man today, and post-human tomorrow is really inherent in the collective civilizational subconscious. Whatever reminds me of yesterday, whatever describes women of what their biology means for society, is taken as an affront, it's almost like the disposition insults the ego. What this is, is a Darwinian thinking internalized by a non-Darwinian spirit that has an ego that wants to free itself despite somewhat viewing itself as a more evolved ape... A contradiction.
Our true needs and systemic needs are not fully synonymous -- often, there is a conflict. Humans in the "modern" world resent this notion, yet the way of life that respects what is closest to the survival line as the fundamental is best for humans. I don't want to delve deeper but there is an element of trans-humanism philosophy that accompanies the notion that we are more than yesterday and that we are climbing the stairs of progress at all times. The Darwinian notion of apes yesterday, sapien man today, and post-human tomorrow is really inherent in the collective civilizational subconscious. Whatever reminds me of yesterday, whatever describes women of what their biology means for society, is taken as an affront, it's almost like the disposition insults the ego. What this is, is a Darwinian thinking internalized by a non-Darwinian spirit that has an ego that wants to free itself despite somewhat viewing itself as a more evolved ape... A contradiction.
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Cast in the name of God Ye not Guilty
the indoyaar gov basically made the life of every south korean a living hell. They are tought very young that your life is about growing up, school, exams, work, die. So what can you expect really.
They turned their people into machines and slaves and now that the slave is fully immersed in their job, they care about anything else, even if it risks their ethnicity


To rent a property in South Korea, you need to pay a large deposit to the landlord which is typically 70-80 % of the houses value. Imagine having to take out a mortgage to rent a home LOL.

Why the would anyone have have kids in this shit country? It would be a financial nightmare.